Silence filled the room as Tearia hung her head down for a couple of seconds trying to cope with the situation. "Leaving them? Can I do such a thing?" She tried to imagine spending days or even weeks without them but it was too difficult however a small part of her wasn't completely resistant to the idea. "I can look for Xilo maybe..." Latching on to that crazy idea she slowly grew more accepting of the current state of things and while she may have no idea where to even start, it was still worth a try. She also knew that her Grandparents probably didn't like this decision just as much as her so she had to do her best to make sure they weren't too worried.
Lifting her head back up after a minute or two of thinking she put on the best smile she could as she faced her tensed Grandparents in an attempt to ease their thoughts.
"Alright I'll do it."
Shocked by her sudden change they stared at their Granddaughter with some bafflement at her sudden change in attitude however they didn't question it further. It was for the best this way for the both of them.
"What? I think it sounds like a fun idea after thinking about it, I've always wanted to explore a little bit as well anyway."
"I see, well we should be leaving today then since you're all healed up for the most part."
Walking over Mel checked Tearia's body just in case she had missed anything but besides the slight loss of one arm there was nothing to worry about it seemed. Still it hurt to see her arm essentially become useless. "No point thinking about it now." Dropping Tearia's nearly useless right arm she sighed as she finished her check up. "It probably hurts." She had been hiding in her room for a couple days thinking about a lot of things and now that she had finally started to come back out of her shell again they were leaving her.
"Sounds good to me."
Seeing his Granddaughter take everything in stride he let loose a deep breath as he walked up to her and handed her a vial he had been keeping on him for a long time now. It was something he had given to his daughter when she was alive and now he was given it to her. "Remember it's okay to cry Tearia." Thinking that he grabbed her left arm and silently opened it while placing the liquid vial in her hand. Watching her look up at him in confusion, he softly smiled as he rubbed her hair before hearing the question he expected.
"What's this?"
Looking at the red vial she was a little curious to what it was.
"Oh nothing much it's just something that we've passed down in the family for years. It has a drop of my blood, your fathers, mothers and anyone else who has ever been a part of the family. However now it's your turn to add to it one day.
"Then why not just give it to me when I see you again?"
"Ahhh, I thought it would keep you company on your journey even if it isn't much."
"I see...."
Looking at his Granddaughters eyes he simply didn't have the heart to tell her the truth however she might have already guessed that. Instead he chose to ignore such a thing as he hurried her along to get ready.
"Alright enough chatting it's time for you to get ready."
"I understand."
With that Tearia went back up to her room to pack some things for her journey while Eli and Mel stayed down to talk a little more before they all spent their last day together for as long as they could. From talking with each to playing silly children's games they all had one last good day together. Who knows it may have been their last after all and they all needed a mental break from reality. Unfortunately it was bound to come to an end as the sun began to disappear. Sitting at the entrance to their Inn Eli finally remembered one last thing he meant to give to Tearia after seeing all the things she was carrying.
"Ah right, I've got one last thing to give you."
Saying that he put a necklace made of silver over her neck with a purple jewel embedded in the center that he created himself.
"You can use this as a small portable storage for your things and it's a nice little accessory that suits you quite well, just Give it a try."
"Just shove them in there?"
"Yup, just think about it and it'll happen. It uses rare Astral Space Energy and is something incredibly rare."
"No buts just take it...It's yours."
No longer asking any question she tested it out quickly and was a little happy with the results as she saw her belongings disappear and reappear at her will. However she didn't really care about all that. To her it was a gift given to her by her Grandparents and that's what mattered most. However now was the time for their goodbyes sadly. Straightening her back she adjusted it on her neck to let it show off to the world along with her white shirt as she got ready to leave after Eli grabbed her and took her outside the city borders leaving the three of them in the middle of a meadow all alone.
"I suppose this is goodbye now for real."
"Indeed it is....Good luck Tearia."
"Goodbye Tearia, Try not to do anything reckless okay?"
"I'll try."
With that the three of them were left in awkward silence before Tearia finally turned around being the first one to make a move. Her steps were heavy but she didn't look back as tears started to gather in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks as soft sobbing soon came out of her mouth uncontrollably but she didn't care for appearances or anything right now. She just wanted to cry and be alone for a little bit. "I'll miss you two." She had already lost her parents and now she was going to lose her Grandparents.
"Will we see her again?"
"Who knows."
Answering his wife's question he grabbed her hand and watched as Tearia walked off on her own for possibly the last time in his life.