"However it just sounds like a Thunderstorm is brewing so what's the matter Xilo?"
She couldn't feel it like Tearia did but she could still see Xilo visibly shivering as he looked at the sky almost like he was afraid of the sounds. "Weird, It's just a storm right? They happen all the time." Lying against the wall she watched him shiver as the question gnawed on her mind but she didn't want to ask it. If she had to guess it was something a lot deeper than that but it wasn't her place to ask. Instead it was probably Tearia's chance more than anything. Looking over at Tearia she silently tried to signal to her what she should do with slight gestures of her hand but all she recieved was a blank confused stare in return. "Dammit.." Not thinking this through she was about to condense her voice but tearia managed to speak up before she could try again.
"Hey Xilo....what's wrong?"
Looking down at the girl who hugged his body Xilo tried to force himself to speak as a sickening feeling of fear formed deep in the pit of his stomach that he had never felt before.
"It just feels...strange."
"Strange, why do you think that?"
"I don't really know honestly. Maybe I'm weird but that rumbling just didn't sit well with me. I've enjoyed rain all my life and always loved the calming aura that came with it but that didn't seem calming to me at all. Instead it felt more unnatural, almost like a warning...."
Thinking about all the times he sat alone listening to the rain when he was younger he tried to remember if he had heard thunder that was similar to that one but none of his memories rang any bells. "And yet it feels so familiar...." Trying to stop the fear he felt from getting to him he pushed it out of his mind as he looked down at Tearia and Felli on either sides of him. "These two are here now....I can't be afraid." However that pit in his stomach just got deeper as time went on.
"I'm sure you're just overthinking it Xilo. You've been through a lot lately and your mind is just in panic mode. Me and Felli didn't notice anything strange so I'm sure it'll be fine alright?"
"Tearia's right you know, from the sounds of your story you are probably just being over sensitive to these things at the moment. Besides we're here now too so try and settle down."
Taking one deep breath Xilo inhaled and exhaled as he tried to calm his body down along with their words ringing inside his head. "They're right, I'm just being silly." Feeling the fear begin to fade a little bit he wiped some of the dust of his clothes that had begun to form as he began to stand up. Turning around seeing both women still sitting he offered each one his hand to grab as he tried to force a smile of confidence to reassure them. However only Tearia took his hand, Felli got up by herself.
"So getting back on track, That's the gist of what happened....I suppose."
looking at Tearia he didn't really know what to think and neither did she after listening to that story. "There's no way she's dead right?" That thought had been haunting her mind ever since Xilo had told his story but she just didn't know what to think about it. Whether to be sad, happy, angry or even shocked there were so many different emotions running through her head but the more she thought about it the more disappointed she felt and that wasn't disappointment for Xilo. She was disappointed in the fact that she could never beat Xelfia at something anymore. She had always been in a one sided competition with her in her head but one of her goals had been to do something better then her but now she might never get the chance if she was dead. "However Xilo said he didn't find her body...so there's hope." Telling herself that she looked up from thought and was met with Xilo's cold dead eyes as he stared straight into her soul but she expected this.
"I'm sorry to hear that Xilo, I really am."
"Uhuh, I'm sure you are."
He still hadn't forgiven her.
Grabbing Tearia's hand, Felli stopped her from pursuing that topic any further for now. Sometimes you just have to take things slow and Tearia was trying to brute force things. "I know Tearia, I know." At least she was here to help keep a handle on this whole situation or else who knows what might have happened by now. Maybe Xilo might have truly killed her when he first saw her again or maybe he would do it now who knows. He was pretty unstable at the moment from what she could tell from his speech and behaviour that she had been studying but now she had figured out the cause of that. "So the girl he loved died and another girl who loves him waltzed into his life again." She really couldn't blame him for being in a tough spot at the moment but that didn't mean she would let it continue forever. If need be she would smash them together and force Xilo to smarten up.
"Are you sure there weren't any more of those flowers there when you left?"
"...Yeah, from what I could see that was the only one there and there wasn't anymore. Why do you want to visit there yourself?"
"Maybe at some point, we need to confirm things completely and make sure everythings okay but for the most part we should be okay for now. It seems to be an unvisited place at least so we got some time before we can go there but before we discuss this any further I think we should take care of the presences that are approaching us. Don't you think?"
"I'm fine with that."
Turning around Xilo watched as a couple figures turned the corner and faced him as a natural smile crossed his face.