Feeling relaxed Zilan had a slight idea of what would be waiting at the end of this tunnel if his guess was correct. Throughout the couple of hours since parting with Xilo they had been able to recuperate a bit thanks to Marie along with killing a couple wolf people they had found along the way. "Now it's time to get these two some training." After the twins had been beat up by those two girls Zilan had been itching to train them again to help make up for their weaknesses while strengthening them and this was the perfect chance.
"You three ready?"
Looking at the edge of the tunnel he spoke up softly as he strided forward without waiting for any replies leaving them confused but they still followed. Walking into an open field Zilan looked around for anything but no matter where he looked there were no Astral beasts nor any other people here. "Strange..." Turning around he saw a barrier form confirming some of his suspicions however there wasn't anything even in sight. Faced with such a unique situation he put his guard up to maximum as the three others entered the room.
"What is this place?"
"A test of sorts or so I thought, something seems different compared to other ones in different Astral Zones."
"From the looks of it we seemed to be trapped in here now too."
"Yeah I'm trying to figure it out, for now the three of you should look around and see if you can find anything. If we're lucky this might not involve fighting."
A little disappointed that he couldn't help his friends improve he tried to shake it off as he focused. "So be it, finding a way out is more important for now." Looking at the dust that filled the field he tried to look for things that stuck out to him but besides a bunch of armour pieces and some random pillars he didn't see much else. "There's broken armour so some fighting had to take place in here, People or Beasts though is a different question." Trying to ignore that thought he kept an eye on his friends as he walked towards the only thing that seemed to be different in this place.
"These places are meant to be a challenge but they aren't impossible." keeping in that mind he looked at the pillar in front of him that was around double his height at about four meters tall. It had lines engraved on it that glowed white along with its blue body that resembled a sky. There wasn't anything of note about them from his observation on the outside. "Let's see if it's hiding anything on the inside." Placing his hand on the pillar he channeled his Astral Energy into it as he tried to study it.
Trying to find some kind of secret or hint his energy traversed through the pillar as an endless sky filled his mind. "Oh?" Immersing himself in the sky he let his mind wander as the memory took over. Very rarely objects can produce memories that they store in themselves over a long period of time. Most of the time they tended to be the surroundings of whatever object it came through but once in a while you could find a unique one that had been formed or sometimes was planted in the object on purpose. Most people failed to realize such information though so they were typically ignored due to the little use it ever gets.
Feeling his body appear in the sky he looked around the world before his eyes landed below him as he stared down at a giant floating castle seemingly stuck in the air. "This is...." Confused, he looked at the familiar castle as a scene played out in his mind. Seeing tiny dots run around that he assumed were people he looked at the fields they were currently located in filled with people on both sides. "So there's two meaning that this other was beyond the left door however why show me this?" Focusing on the field he was in with his friends he watched what he assumed to be hundreds of soldiers begin their practice for the day as the sounds of their shouts could even be faintly heard from where he was floating.
"Unflinching spirit."
In the next second he was surprised as a gate between the two fields opened up as the people ran towards it with no hesitation. Confused he watched while trying to move closer but his body was stuck in its position forcing him to watch from where he was. Soon though his confusion built further as he watched them begin to fight each other and from the looks of it actually started to kill each other. "Aren't they allies?" Feeling a bit sick at the sight of such senseless killing he still watched. "What's the goal of this memory exactly?" Questions were filling his mind before he was suddenly thrown into the thick of things.
"What the."
Suddenly in the battlefield himself the smell of blood filled his nose as corpses and fighting filled his vision without any warning increasing the sickness he felt. "Get over it. You've seen this many times before." Taking a breath he calmed down after being taken by surprise as a sight he had seen once before came into vision. Watching one of the soldiers with a bunch of wounds on his body that was clearly dead stand back up a bit of repulsion hit him but he understood.
"Undead puppets, I see I think I'm beginning to understand this place a little more."
Watching the soldier get back up and start fighting he watched an endless war between the two sides as time went on for who knows how long as information registered in his brain. Every ten minutes or so these creatures were forced to fight each other from each side before being forcefully separated until another 10 minutes passed again. Without fail that pattern repeated as the pillars he saw before glowed each time it happened indicating the arrival of the ten minute mark.
"Alright I get that but how do we pass this test?"
However before he could find his answer in this memory he was forced out of it and put back into reality as he opened his eyes. "Figures." Looking around he saw his friends surrounding him as the pillar he was touching started to glow a much brighter white then before. With no time to explain or think about anything he detached himself as he turned towards the wall they came from in the memory as a giant portal opened showing hundreds of Undead Warriors.
"They're coming, get ready!