I Want....

Walking off to the side of a pillar Xilo leaned against as he waited for the person who was coming to get him. He didn't feel like holding up the line for others and it gave him some space to look around. "Now which one of you can't leave me alone." Scanning the crowd Xilo searched through hundreds of tables filled with people all chatting and exchanging things whether it be information or items. None of those people particularly seemed interested in him besides the occasional glance as they looked around the place. Looking to the second floor he saw even more clan badges then he could recognize as they leaned on the rails looking down at them.

"So they separate the people in Clans and the ones not in them."

Still though he couldn't find the person who was looking at him even as he searched every corner he could secretly. Soon the sound of shuffling entered his ears beside him as he turned to see an old man beside him. Scanning him up and down he noticed the badge similar to the one the woman at the counter had. "I guess this is the one coming for me." With a slight bow the grey haired man introduced himself and led him to another section of this place.

"Just call me Aeon, come with me please Xilo."

With a nod Xilo followed the man as he brought him down a hallway off to the side that was the only empty space in this building. "Great more attention." As they got closer to it Xilo felt hundreds of eyes converge on him as they opened the door and walked down the hallway. With it shutting behind him all those eyes cut off even the one that never left him as he finally felt a little bit of relief. Walking down the red carpet that lined the hallway there were a lot of doors on each side. "Guess this is for special guests?" Not really sure about it himself, he watched Aeon open the door and guide him in.

"This way."

Entering the room Xilo sat down on one of the chairs there while Aeon stood beside him. "Guess he's security." Waiting in silence the two of them spent a couple minutes with nothing happening until he heard the door knob turn. In a room with one large desk at the back and a couch at the front with two chairs on either side of the room Xilo was seated in a chair with the door to his right. Watching from the corner of his eye he saw a black haired man enter the room in a black suit that didn't seem like it belonged on him at all.

"You're the one Zilan sent correct?"

"Yeah, Xilo."

"Good, I'm Telan."

Sitting down slightly lazily, the man looked up at Xilo casually as he dismissed Aeon for now. "That hot head sending someone here is rare; however this one is incredibly weak." Still with all that Zilan had done for them he couldn't turn him down. "A fourth stage, Elements unclear, name Xilo, clan none, Race...human?" Looking again he tried to get a read on Xilo's race but besides a few defects he seemed perfectly human to him. Not bothering to try prying further he wrote down human in his book and left it at that.

"So the one and only famous Zilan sent you to us, Xilo. Quite a rare thing for someone like him, mind explaining why you're here?"

He liked things fast and simple so he was going to get right to the point. "And if he's just trash..." With such a straight to the point question Xilo eased up a little bit as he rubbed his stiff shoulders. These were the type of people he liked the most so hopefully it would go smoothly. "Why am I here though?" He had told Zilan he wanted power and influence but how exactly would this place help him. "I guess I just need to ask." Looking at Telan, Xilo tried to put his thoughts to words.

"I figured this wouldn't be a bad place to start to grow influence."

"After others back then?"

"Ehhh, sort of."

"Oh? Mind explaining to me where I'm wrong?"

"I want other people's help but I think I want something more than that as well. I...."

Pausing Xilo stared at Telan trying to find any danger in him as his thoughts converged to one thing. Taking a deep breath Telan didn't interrupt him as he waited patiently for Xilo to continue. "Creating connections is simple enough, if Zilan wanted to send him here just for that there was no need for a recommendation." Tapping his finger slightly he looked over XIlo multiple times. "What more is it you're after." Scratching his face he waited for Xilo to speak.

"I don't think that's all I want but I can't quite put it into an idea yet."

"So undecided then, Alright we can leave it at that then for now, do tell me when you figure it out though. I'd love to hear it however for now if you just want to start building connections and the likes the best way to do that is neglected jobs.

"Neglected jobs?"

"Yes these are the jobs not issued by Dracal that everyone tends to ignore usually. Most of them hardly come with any good pay for the risk involved and so people take the safe and easy profit ones. If you're looking for work that can do you a lot of good I'd start there."

"It's a start, where do I find see these neglected jobs?"

"Aeon! Get them for me."

Hearing a muffled voice come through on the other side of the door Xilo waited.

"Give us a minute, I'll find you a list of ones you could potentially do that would give you the best chance for what you're after. I don't know why Zilan sent you here but I'll at least do my best to help you out. I owe him that at least."