Two Promises

Clutching her stomach for a second Xelfia checked to make sure she was alright before she attacked again. Plants travelled through the ground that she had created earlier. Watching them break through the ground, Xelfia tried to tangle his feet while he was caught off guard. They were pretty evenly matched except for the fact that Zelfin was underestimating her. That was his biggest flaw in this fight that let her win. Seeing him trapped, Xelfia summoned a giant ball of water in the air as shouted at Tearia who was distracted.

"Tearia, I don't care what your doubts are about it, use your lightning on this ball now!"


Confused for a moment, Tearia stopped attacking Xilo as she turned around and saw a giant floating ball of water in the air. "She's crazy!" Seeing what she had in mind Tearia shouted that in her head but she still listened. Pumping Ravenous full of as much lightning as she could, she sent it flying towards Xelfia's attack. Feeling that force hit her, Xelfia flinched for a second as she sent the ball flying at him. Combined attacks were a rare thing nowadays and while this was nowhere close to one it was good enough. It was full of flaws and she barely had any control over it however it's power was scary.

"What are you doing!? Protecting such a monster."

"Shut up, monster this, monster that. Is that all that goes through your stupid head? Think of something else before you open your mouth once more. If you survive this, that is."


Watching the woman's attack come towards him Zelfin struggled harder to escape his bindings but they wouldn't budge. They might have been made of plants but they felt harder than metal. With nowhere to run he was forced to brace himself as her attack crashed into him like a giant boulder. Feeling his bones get crushed by the pressure he yelled out in pain as his body was shocked constantly. Currents ran around his body bouncing off him and paralyzing all his movements. "It hurts." He could feel his body burning alive and exploding from the inside out. He was dying at that moment but Xelfia wasn't finished.

"I did promise I'd give you a a punch right in your stupid face didn't I?"

Clutching her fist she put all the energy she had into Crimson Fangs as she could before she bolted forward. Slamming into him at a speed he couldn't catch up to anymore his technique finally wore off at the worst possible time. His body was drained and he was on the brink of death. Anything at this point would probably kill him. "Looks like it's my time to step in." No longer able to watch this show anymore, the Old Spirit started to work as Xelfia's fist slammed into him. Releasing her bindings on him, her fist impacted his stomach forcing him to heave dry air before he was sent flying back hundreds of meters.

"Hmm, Maybe I didn't promise him that? oh well."

Hearing the satisfying sound of his bones cracking as his back bent further than any normal human's should, she smiled as he ate dirt. "That takes care of that." Now that he was done with Xelfia turned her attention to Xilo. Bouncing around the ground Zelfin felt every bone in his body break as his spine threatened to collapse on him just like what he did to Xilo. This time he didn't have the energy or willpower anymore to try and fix it. Fading out he let that woman's fist carry him away until eventually he slammed into a tree that broke his momentum. Nearly breaking the tree in the process, Zelfin didn't even see the monster anymore.

"I'm alive...?"

Barely creaking that out he felt blood leaving his body in several different places as he struggled to stay awake. "You have me to thank for that. It took everything I had to keep you from dying." Hearing a voice in his head talking to him he couldn't even register it properly. "Sleep for now, You can try again another day. You lost this fight." With his vision fading to black Zelfin didn't have the power to argue as he fell into a world of dreams. "Now how in the world do I heal you." Looking over Zelfin's sleeping body the old man sighed as he got to work on this mess of a human.

"We made a deal and I intend to stick to my word."

Faced with Xilo's new form, Xelfia joined her friends to fight him. "I'm sorry, Xilo but this is going to hurt a bit." With the other out of the way now it was time for Xilo's beating. Though this hurt to even think about doing. It was the only thing she could think of doing though at the moment since words didn't work. Creating more bindings she tried to restrain him the best she could. Wrapping them around his legs and arms she was able to tie him down for a couple seconds before he quickly broke free. "Sharp blades." Forced to try to think of another strategy she continued to fight Xilo three on one.

"Teaira, Relia, you two got anything in mind that could work?"

"We could try what you did before on that guy right?"

"No, that's too slow and I can't restrain Xilo long enough."

"Then I got nothing, I guess we just need to fight him until he runs out of energy. there's no way this form isn't taxing on him."

"Stalling it out then, fine. Relia you good with that too?"


Blocking each of Xilo's attacks as best they could they stalled for time while trying to take the least amount of damage possible. They all knew if Xilo found out he hurt them, that he'd be angry with himself after finding out. If need be, none of them were afraid to get hurt though. "Will waiting it out really work?" That worry flickered through Xelfia's head as they attacked Xilo in the small openings he gave. Five minutes had passed since the three had focused on him completely but no changes were happening. Instead Xilo felt like he was getting stronger as the fight went on instead of weaker.

"What to do....?"