A Dive Into Yilel's Mind

Pulling at his shirt Keltal felt a lot more free as he looked at the girl before him. "Powerful." Even within his weakened state he could tell she was hiding some serious energy. "So another's falling into Althea's games." His assumption was already confirmed at this point and if Althea kept manipulating her then things were going to get worse. "I can stop it this time." Thinking back to all the times in the past he was useless against her, he swore this time would be different. Another step in his road of selfish forgiveness.

"Let's walk and talk. There's somewhere else I want to check on after seeing all this."

Listening to Keltal, she followed him with a bit of caution as they headed towards another location.

"Fine. So what do you know about this Althea woman."

"To try and skip all the irrelevant parts, Let's just say we used to be Clan mates and friends. Eventually though I betrayed her and I was banished to here. She's a childish, cunning woman with long silver hair. I'm sure you've seen more of a different side of her in your dreams though."

"I have, she's kept me up countless nights to have chats with her."

"No surprise there. That Althea is quite different to the one who roams awake. I don't know whether or not Althea's realized that though, but I've suspected for a while it's her Astral Ability. The dream version of her is a detached part of her personality. That is a lot less caring of what she does. Making her more vicious and dangerous. They might both treat people like things but they have their own methods. If it wasn't for their looks I would say they were two different people entirely. A long time ago I fell for the sweet words of Dream Althea and it eventually led me to where I am now. Here in this clan wasting my life away as a no one."

Going down a few hallways, keltal thought back to the life he used to have compared to now. "It's for the better." The path he walked was far from an easy one but it was one he would walk regardless. Talking more about Althea he said everything he was allowed to say. At the end of the day he may have hated Althea to his core however that didn't mean he would betray his entire Clan. Skipping around details and dodging certain questions they made it to the room he wanted to check out.

"I'm going to tell you this now as a warning from someone who's experienced something similar. Never trust a single word Althea says, no matter how nice or helpful it sounds. It's simply not worth it."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Felli somewhat dismissed what Keltal said about trusting Althea's words. "She was right about Zelfin after all." Which meant she was telling her the truth at the time although she couldn't guess as to why that was the case. "Althea really does have a strong grasp on people." Meeting someone who knew about the pain of Althea was nice. It helped her gain a little bit more information on her and confirm a few thoughts. Arriving in front of a door, keltal stopped moving as he stared at the door along with Felli.

"So why did you want to come here?"

"This is that Yilel's room from Zelfin's journal. After reading the things he wrote down I figured I should also check this time place out to."

"Isn't she still here though?"

"Haha.....no. The real Althea came here a couple months ago and took her with her when she left. She saw potential in Yilel and Yilel...being obsessed with Xilo agreed to go. Though I'm starting to think her obsession wasn't exactly natural."

"Do you think Althea manipulated her as well?"


Swinging the door open to Yilel's room they were met with darkness. Quickly turning on a light, they saw the room as Felli felt sick suddenly. Holding her stomach she saw hundreds of names scribbled along the walls. "It's all just...Xilo." Even Keltal couldn't hold back the creepiness he was feeling. "This is not normal...Althea what the hell did you do?" instantly assuming it was Althea's doing he got a little angry as another thought entered his mind that almost made him lose it. "Was....this her plan from the very beginning...." Did he get sent here to gather people Althea could easily manipulate, to turn on Xilo and treat him as a monster? Following that thought line, he tried to hold himself back, he could feel his sanity tearing apart as doubt filled his mind.

"It seems Zelfin really meant it when he talked about Yilel's obsession."

Finding a journal on a shelf nearby Felli held her sickness as she opened it up and read through it. Most of the beginning part was similar to Zelfin's however it eventually differed. She wrote about Xilo primarily and the things they used to do together as kids. How he would play with her, how she would take care of him like a little brother until eventually it sprouted into something else entirely. Love was forming in her heart then one night she had a dream. A woman she had never seen showed up in her head. Told her all these things, pushed her towards Xilo. "She denied them though." Eventually that woman left her alone but Yilel's obsession grew for Xilo.

"He was the one who saved me in the end....yet I called him a monster and ran from him that day. Where did I go run...when did I start to hate him? Be afraid of him? When did he become a demon?"

Reading that last sentence Felli sighed as she flipped the page. Just like Zelfin's journal, her stories turned into hate in a much bigger extreme. Her every thought was filled with Xilo. At the time she still didn't know his name yet. Eventually though she talked about another dream where the woman returned and spoke about Xilo's name. After that every page turned from stories to Xilo's name just like the walls of her room.

"Will I also end up like this If I listen to her...?"