A part of her knew she was most likely just overreacting in the head of the moment. Still, that thought lingered in her mind as she shut the book in her hands. There was no point in reading it anymore if it was all the same thing. "Peoples minds can't be manipulated that easily." Usually people associated strength with the power of the body and while that was true the mind had to be strong as well. At the time these two were kids and very impressionable. Trying to convince herself she would be alright she turned and looked at Keltal whose hand was covering his face.
"You okay?"
"Yeah..I'm fine, just trying to come to an understanding of some things. Let's leave here, there's one more place I want to look at. You can leave now if you want to or come with me, up to you."
"Where are you heading now?"
"Xilo's room."
Hearing him talk about visiting Xilo's room, Felli paused before she nodded in agreement. She had only come this far in her little search so going for a bit extra wouldn't hurt. Following Keltal they crossed a couple hallways until eventually they walked up to a dark abandoned corner. The walls were covered in filth and scribbles of warnings about staying away from here. "He lived here..?" Opening the door, Felli looked in Xilo's room that was the size of a closet. It had an old bed that threatened to break at any second and a tiny little shelf with a small light on top of it.
"This is where he lived?"
"At the beginning no, he used to live in a room similar to everyone else's, however eventually he was bullied and enough complaints were brought to me that he was sent here. I figured it'd be better for him in the long run so I agreed. However I think it never helped, just isolated him further."
"You're one awful Leader, letting all this happen is just...stupidity."
"I know I am but I don't think this is my fault entirely. I'm not going to deflect all the blame off of me but Althea has played a good part in all of this. I just so happened to do exactly what she wanted. Even after I thought I escaped that hell. Well enough of that, I thought maybe I'd find a journal here to learn a bit more but there's nothing here. I'm going to go sit down and think about things. I need a minute, coming with me?"
"No. I want to stay here for a bit if that's okay."
"Very well, I'll be where we first talked when you're ready."
With that Keltal left Xilo's room with his head down. Watching him walk away, Felli took a seat on the dusty old bed as she looked at the small room Xilo used to live in. "How much are you hiding Xilo? What's real about you and what's a lie." She thought back to her times in the Astral Zone with him and the things she had seen. Turning Xilo's old light on, she gently laid down as she closed her eyes. Her goal in coming here was to figure out more about Zelfin and that was done now. She highly doubted she was going to figure out anything more about him. She had also learned about a girl called Yilel and even more about Xilo who seemed like such a mystery to her before. "Though that mystery has just grown." Thinking that to herself she felt her body drift off into sleep.
Finding herself in that same familiar room, she knew was dreaming.
"Is Althea here though?"
Looking around the room Felli felt slightly alarmed, everytime she was here Althea would show up.
"Of course I'm here."
Jolting around behind her was a silver haired woman that called herself Althea. Feeling her heart rate speed up, Felli felt a panic coming on. She thought she wouldn't see her again so soon however here she was. At a loss for words she stared at Althea before panic turned to anger. Althea thankfully spoke up before Felli exploded, letting her save some energy. Turning felli around, Althea sat down as they leaned against each other's backs. Felli was unable to speak as silence fell over them.
"Relax, I'm a little burned out on energy right now, I don't feel like starting any fights. I just came here to relax, that's all."
Felli had a lot she wanted to say to that comment but she left it alone.
"Why here then and why with me?"
"You're way too full of questions. I've said it before but you remind me a lot about my old self and I chose here because it's an environment I've never been in before for a long period of time. I grew up in a castle surrounded by the fanciest of things and taken care of at every moment. Poverty was never even a thought to me, I was the princess that everyone loved. Beautiful, powerful and young. If I wanted something it was mine. Until the day my mother became sick."
hearing such a soft tone coming from Althea, Felli decided to play along as she rested herself.
"Turned sick?"
"Yeah.....let me tell you a story about my past."
Without saying a word, Felli listened to Althea's story as time passed on around her. She didn't know how long she listened but she didn't care. For the first time since she had met Althea, it felt like she was actually talking to a human being. "The real side of her." She heard about how her father poisoned her mother. The flame that she was ridiculed for having and the want to make her mother happy. "We really are similar." Staring at her broken space energy she could see why Althea said they were alike.
"My only goal now is to kill that bastard, however I'm too weak to do it alone. My other Self decided to use Xilo to do it instead. She didn't care how long it would take either, but now it seems Xilo's broken free from some of his chains. I have long lost any power over him, and the girls who travel with him are similar to him. After her first failure in catching him and seeing his shocking progress, Althea has thought of other things now and so Have I. Making Tests for him is a part of my goal, however the other Althea has other plans. You and you're country just happen to be my first go at it."
"What exactly do you mean by us being his first test?"
"Huh? Have you really not noticed yet?"
Hearing that answer Althea giggled like a little girl that couldn't stop laughing.