Difficult Decisions

Glancing over their shock, Katrin peered at Xilo.

"That is the reason I glanced at these two and a large reason why I decided to put a stop to the fighting."

"...I..uh, I see."

Xilo didn't really know what to say hearing such a calm response after dropping such a giant bomb out of nowhere. Looking back and forth between Aeon and Felli he saw their eyes grow wide as they stared at each other. Picking his jaw up from the floor Aeon looked for one last confirmation from Katrin as he moved closer to Felli. Seeing her nod her head Aeon dashed forward with the excitement of a child, his entire demeanor had shattered into thin air. He forgot everything as he studied every inch of Felli. "So this is my daughter." Felli had the completely opposite reaction to him as she backed away. She didn't feel any excitement or attachment to the man before her at all. With two very different views on the situation a bit of awkwardness crept up.

"H-hello Felli, it's nice to meet you."


That response was a straight jab in the heart that knocked the wind right out of him. Watching all of this play out, Xelfia finally spoke her mind. She trusted Xilo to handle this but it was a bit painful to watch and regardless of Katrin's reasons she couldn't just get away with it. Not punishing someone for this wasn't something she would accept. A bit confused about the man that stood before that was apparently her Father, felli had very mixed feelings. There was a small part of her that almost wanted her Mother to be lying, like it wasn't true. There was another small part though that knew it was the truth and she hated that. Keeping quiet she heard Xelfia's powerful voice interrupt her thoughts.

"Well it's great that you're a family, we need to figure out how to punish you regardless, all is not just forgiven for something like this."

Trailing off at the end, Xelfia peeked at Xilo for help.

"Don't worry Xelfia I haven't forgotten, it's just a bit more complicated then I'd really like to acknowledge. Katrin has crossed a lot of lines today and nothing will solve today's issues regardless of if she takes responsibility or not. This has gone far and beyond our just this country now.``

Xilo could already feel a headache coming on as he thought about the absolute mess that could follow today's events.

"What do you mean exactly, are you trying to say we aren't going to do anything to her?"

"....A bit."


"Let me explain, sorry to interrupt your reunion but we have some pretty serious things to talk about now that require all of our attention."

As badly as Xilo wanted to just say it wasn't his problem and walk away from it all he knew he couldn't. He cared about Felli and quite a few people inside of this Country. if they didn't discuss things and figure something out this country could very well collapse tomorrow if they weren't careful. Katrin had poked a beehive and there was no turning back anymore. Xilo had a few ideas what they could do to stop it but they were far from perfect. If he wanted this work they needed to talk it out and decide together and it all involved Katrin. That was the main reason he hadn't done anything else to her, they needed her badly.

"As you know today was the final day for celebrating Ukel's birth as a Country where the Queen invites people from all around the world to visit. Us along with many others had entered her throne today and well....from what I can count there are quite a few dead representatives from other Countries scattered around the room. That's the one biggest problem we have, once the other Countries learn about that they'll be pissed.``

"Sadly, I might have rushed ahead a little too much, Xilo's right. Those were all pretty powerful people and while probably not huge losses for the others, none of them will take that lying down without a word. Most likely once they figure out their people are dead they'll come rushing here for answers....Controlling information in this situation also won't work...I made way too big of a show about it and eventually they'll get suspicious when their people don't return regardless."

Turning serious Katrin went over a lot of different ideas in her head as she realised just how screwed she might be now. "I started this as an all or nothing, now here we are..." Now that she had changed her mind she had consequences to face that she had zero plans for. Even Aeon, who was hurt from his daughter's words, had been trying to figure out things as well. Tilting her head at their words, Xelfia was a bit confused. "Isn't the answer obvious?" She didn't really know much about these kinds of difficult things but one answer stood out to her. If they just got rid of the Queen that would hopefully be enough to help settle down the others.

"So why not make katrin step down from being Queen or throw her to the wolves. Sounds like the easiest solution to me."

"Normally that would be the answer, but beyond just being Felli's mother there's another problem. It would take too long to find someone else to Rule this country and also be on the same level as her in terms of Strength. That is a huge requirement that needs to be met for another Queen or King to rule, they must be on equal footing as Katrin using all that extra power. If not, they can't protect this Country."

"She's powerless now though..."

"Yes, we know she is but everyone else in the world doesn't. Her "Strength" Is a massive deterrent from a war starting."

With things being explained to her Xelfia was finally understanding the bigger picture.