More Then You Can Handle

"Did Xilo just beat Raran....?"

Keld was speechless as he saw Raran's body crumble to the ground.

"I don't really know myself, Keld."

Vandor was just as lost as Keld, he was going to step in to help at first. Then Xilo ended up breaking one of the blades that Vandor never could himself. Once that happened he felt his mind freeze along with his body. Stuck in time he watched on from the sidelines until it finished. "How did he win?" Everyone there had a lot of questions and the only one with answers was their new leader. "Is this what Katrin saw in him?" Keld broke free from his disbelief as he rushed forward. Checking on Raran he made sure he was still breathing while the others came forward. Catching his breath Xilo asked Keld how he was.

" he, still breathing?"

"Yes, it seems he's just passed out for now. Give him a few minutes and he'll wake up soon. Xilo...what just happened?"

Xilo knew that question was coming.

"I'll talk about it more when Raran wakes up. I suppose I should just be honest about it after all."

"Be honest about what Xilo?"

Coming in from the shadows Aeon revealed his presence to everyone while his eyes shined with curiosity. He had been watching the entire fight, ready to jump in at any time to help Xilo. "Seems like that was unneeded though." Xilo had opened a brand new world to him that he never expected to see. "You just keep getting more interesting boy." A sly smile was frozen on his face as he scanned Xilo's body. "I can definitely train him to go further than I ever could." Without any information on that kind of power Aeon tried to keep his expectations in line as hard as it was. Xilo didn't fall for Aeon's act for a moment, he had felt multiple presences lock onto their location since the very beginning and Aeon's was one of them.

"I'll tell you as well Aeon, don't worry. I know you saw it already so there really isn't a point in hiding it from you...or Katrin anymore."

"Don't look so down, Katrin and I already had a bit of an idea that you were hiding something."

It was looking like Xilo would have to wait to finish fighting everyone later at this rate. "A bit disappointing." With Aeon here now Katrin was sure to be coming soon. "Alright time for a meeting." With his breath back, Xilo stood tall as he rounded everyone together. Waving his hand in the air he asked everyone there to follow him to the main hall. He also let Aeon go and grab Katrin before leaving. Vandor bent over and picked up Raran's body following behind the crowd. Walking through the courtyard Xilo felt three pairs of eyes fall on him with a bit of worry. Giving them a simple wave he did his best to assure them and calm their worries. The girls were definitely worried for him, they knew just how much he cared about this stuff.

Walking inside the dining room Xilo sat down at the head of the table with Xelfia and Tearia on his sides. Felli and the small wolf sat nearby while everyone else grabbed a seat everywhere else. Once everyone was sat down a few extra steps came towards them. "Aeon and Katrin." The two of them barged into the room and looked around for a moment before a few maids grabbed them a seat on the opposite side of Xilo. Katrin quickly got rid of their presence as Aeon's energy spread around the room. Creating a small barrier that no one could break. They were now in a small pocket of isolation, safe from others ears and eyes.

Tapping her nails on the table Katrin looked at Raran.

"Does someone want to wake that idiot up, so we can get this started. Aeon gave me a rundown on the situation so I'm eager to hear more."

A woman named Yana stood up and walked over to Vandor, she was the medical expert in their group besides Tearia. Giving him a quick once over, she made sure he was okay before taking out a small vial of medicine. It was used to forcefully wake people up, they would suffer a massive headache and some other side effects though. With Katrin's orders though and Xilo giving the okay she had no choice other than to pour it down his throat. In less than a minute Raran felt the world come into vision as he coughed up a bunch of gross liquid. "Gross, what is that garbage?" Unable to get rid of the taste his head pounded like crazy as he realized where he was. "This is..." Looking around he saw Xilo sitting on a chair nearby.


Katrin's commanding voice interrupted Raran before he could speak any further.

"Shut up Raran, you've already lost to Xilo now just listen. I have some questions for him and you as well. I don't need you idiotically running your mouth and going crazy again. If you do though I'll gladly end your life, if that's what you'd like."

Katrin wasn't messing around when it came to this kind of situation and if she needed to use threats to make it happen she was more than okay with it. "A strange unheard of power." Katrin's eyes flashed with curiosity as she rested her chin on her hands and stared at Xilo. "What secrets is your body hiding." If Xilo had another power she didn't know off then her gamble had paid off a lot more than she had initially thought. Silence fell around the room as Xilo glanced at everyone's faces. "This is my new home right?" That was what he had decided when he agreed to Katrin's offer. "If that's the case...then they deserve to know." Ignoring Katrin's greedy stare, Xilo turned to Raran and smiled.

"Raran, it's nice to meet another one like me. I know how you feel and I really want to help, sorry if I was a bit rough with you before. I will be answering all the questions the rest of you have, even you Katrin. But If you think you can take advantage of it or anything else that's stupid then give up now. I'm probably way more than you can handle."

With a grin Xilo started to explain about himself.