Chapter 2: The Boats, Draco Malfoy and the Sorting Hat

Blending into the crowd wasn't hard with all the chaos of the student getting off the train and I following Professor Mcgonagall with the other first years.

Looking around I see Harry Potter walking with Ron Weasley walking near the front. So I sped up a bit more so that I could get into the front row too. once I was there however I bumped into a blonde haired boy by accident tripping on my robe, he reaches out and grabbed me by the arm before I could fall into the wayer, "You okay?"

"Yes, sorry I ran into you," I answer back straightening out my robs before I look up to see that it's Draco Malfoy that I've run into. 'Oh he's cute,' says Nia. This comment totally throws me off guard as I start turning beat red from embarrassment.

"It's okay, I'm Draco by the way, Draco Malfoy," he says to me, "I don't think I met you on the train, what's you name?"

"I'm Sarah, Sarah Spyre," I answer.

Smiling he asks, "Do you want to walk with me and my to friends Crabbe and Goyle?"

Smiling back I say, "Sure, I walk with you!"

After walking for a about twenty minutes we reached the boat and their were four student being put into each boat. While we are boarding our Draco is talking to Crabb and Goyle and makes them sit in the back of the boat while he sit in the middle next to me. Looking at the mysterious waters of the lake and the castle in front of us in wonder that I am even here, though if I were to look at him I would have seen a goofy smile on his face like he's won a battle or something. Unfortunately for him though I don't as I start asking Nia questions and talking to her about this world.

Apparently according to her inherit memories her existence came into being from the power of this world when a need came for to come into existence when I came into existence into this world, but she is able to tell where we are as she was created by this world. So her first real memories in this world were when she woke up with me in the Forbidden Forest where I woke up not to long ago and memories though were mostly from a inherited memory from the world energies that created her.

The boats reach the other shore at the foot of Hogwarts after a while and the student start to disembark and go to where Professor Mcganogall waited for them. Though once all of the students were out of the boats they started floating away on their own heading towards a large boat house.

The moment all of the student where in front of her Professor McGonagall stated in a matter of fact tone, "Follow me."

Walking near Draco I noticed that other students would mostly stay away from him other than other children that new his family and were future Slytherins, but he mostly ignored them and kept glancing chatting with Crabb and Goyle or glancing up front where Harry Potter was but he did never went up to talk to him which was completely different from what happened in the first book and movie.

'Hmm I think it's because I somehow stepped one of the "butterflies" in this world the events changed because I bumped into him,' I think to my self, 'interesting.'

Walking through the huge and ornate front door of the school there was a huge hall leading towards the dinning hall door that has two stair cases on either side that lead up to the self magical stair cases, classrooms and dorm rooms. To the far sides of the stair cases there were more doors leading to other parts of the castle.

Our foot steps echoed with each step we took towards the Great Hall which was lit up by floating candles and ghostly figues such as Nearly Headless Nick.

The four house table were pretty full and at the teachers tables sat all of the teacher and Professor Dubbledore. In front of their table just before the stairs was the sorting hat on a tall stool.

Professor Mcgonagall went up to the sorting hat leading us between the two center tables in the room started her speal, "You will come up when you are called and you will be sorted into your houses. After you have been sorted into your houses you will go sit with your respective house."

To which she was answered with silence and the stares of the student while some smilled in anticipation or grimaced in fear. Like in the story Harry Poter and his group was sorted in to Gryffindor while Draco and his possy where sorted into Slytherin and so on for the other houses. Until I was the only one left, "Sarah Spyre," Professor Mcganogall unexpectedly calls my name as I was becoming sckeptical as to whethr my name was even on the list due to how I came to this world and my special costitution due to Nia.

'It's a magic list,' Nia pipes in, 'names are added as young witch's and wizzards come of age.'

This helps me to gulp down my anxiouness and excitment at the situation. Walking up to the stool and sitting down waiting for the Professor to set the hat on my head.

Though moment it touches my head it let out a gasped, "A Symbiotic Nymph!"

'Well cats out of the bag Nia,' I tell her.

"Yes it seems so though I wasn't expecting to be found out be this hat!" she replies back

Professor Dubblebore and the teacher sit up more hearing this, but stop moving as the sorting hat continues, 'Now this is interesting, but where to put your ambitions, resourcfull, cunning and have fine leadership qualities."

It pauses as it thinks about it and the teachers stare at it, though I can't see them them I can feel their eye boring holes into my back.

Seeming as though it has decided it yells, "Slytherin!"