Cheers came from the Slytherin House table as the Sorting hat called out there houses name. Though they quieted down as the saw the shock on the professors faces.
'Hey Sarah let's go sit with our house,' says Nia.
Though I don't respond back as I can feel the pressure of everyone's gaze on me, I got up and start moving towards the Slytherin House table and as I pass a few of the students I hear, "Did you hear what Sorting hat said?" "What's a Symbiotic Nymph?" "What's a going on with the professors? It looks like they swallowed the wrong polyjuice potion!"
I take a seat next to Draco group but they just stare at me, while Draco has an uncertain look on his face.
Settling back into their chairs at the professors take the teachers and Professor Dumbledore give each other a look before Albus made his announcement about he schools rules and the Forbidden Forest. Waving his hand an assortment food and drinks appeared in front of us while he stated, "Diner is served."
As the students started to dig in I took a drink of fruit juice that tasted like a cross between a pineapple and a strawberry, while I filled my plate with chicken and vegetables. No one in Draco's group tried to start up a conversation with me and they mostly kept to themselves as they ate.
After I was full I noticed the other student's were finishing up as well. The prefect got up and called for their houses, "Slytherin will follow me to the dorms." Gathing them up without further delay so that they could lead us to the dorm rooms on time and tell us the dorm rules and password.
Though as I was about to get up and follow them, Professor Dumbledore calls out, "Sarah Spyre, may we speak with you?"
Looking back at where the prefect is I see Draco looking at me I smile and say, "I'll see you when I get to the dorm." He nods and turns around as he follows the group out the door with Crabb and Goyle morning for them to move.
Turning around I see that all of the professors and Dumbledore have gotten up and were walking closer. Curious about what this is about I ask, "You wanted to speak with me Professors?" Stepping away from the table and seat.
"Yes," says Dumbledore as he gets closer just stopping a few feet away from me, making me have to look up to look at his face. "We are quiet curious as to what the Sorting Hat said. Is true that you have a Symbiotic Nymph?"
'Nia,' I ask, 'what should I say?'
'Being honest is the best policy,' she answers back, 'you often say this I your memory's from when you were working as a doctor.'
Thinking about it for a moment I think back, 'Okay, then I'll be honest with them then.'
"Yes, what the Sorting Hat said was true," I say, then ask, "is there a problem with having one?" I ask Dombledore.
Looking at me with wide eye's like he wasn't expecting this kind of answer, as he was morr used to not getting a straight answer. Shaking this out of his mind he says, "No there's no problem, it's just that we've only heard of Nymphs from old myths and legends that they are divine beings of nature, but the texts have never mentioned a Symbiotic Nymph before. Does this mean your not completely human?"
"Sadly I do not know to much myself as we have just recently come together," I answer back as loud yawn escapes me as I cover my mouth.
"It seems we have kept you up for to long, Professor Snape would you be so kind as to lead our new student to the dorm. Make sure that she gets one of the full study dorm rooms. We shall continue our conversation at a later date Miss Spyre. Good night."
"Good night Professor," I answer back.
"Very well, lets be off then," says Snape matter of factly, "follow me Miss Spyre," as he starts walking towards the door.
Following behind Professor Snape I ask Nia blushing at the realization of what had occurred earlier but was to distracted by all the staring to notice, 'Really Nia, Slytherin!!! For a boy! Did you really get us into Slytherin just so we could be in the same house as Draco?,' but the only answer I got back was her girlish giggling.