Chapter 4: Interrogation???

Professor Snape led me to the entrance to the Slytherin Dorm rooms. Where a moving picture of the Bloody Baron stated, "No entry without the Password."

"You do this every time Baron, the Password is 'Bloody Geevs!" complains Snape.

Upon hearing the Password the Baron moves his picture frame out of the way to reveal a short flight of stairs leading up into the Slytherin Commons area where several student's were waiting, namely Draco, Crabb and Goyle.

Leading the way in Snape leads me past the it's towards a door at the back Commons taking a key from within his robes he hands it to me, "This will be your room , it is one of the rooms that is ussualy used for important Slytherin House guests."

After saying I watch as he rushes out of the dorm heading back to who know where.

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Draco POV:

Seeing that Snape was gone I walk towards Sarah as she put the key in the lock, 'I'm curious would the Sorting Hat tall about Nymph when they are just legends and myths? And how did she get one of the VIP rooms?'

"Hey can I come in and talk to you?"

Sarah looks over her shoulder at me, "Sure, I don't mind." Opening the door she enters leaving it open for me.

Turning I say, "Crabb, Goyle quite following me go to bed."

They give me a knowing look as they turn around and walk towards the boys dorm with stupid grins on their faces.

Turning around I walk into Sarah new room.

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Sarah's POV:

Looking around the huge room I find a beautiful king size fourposter bed with the green house colors and snakes carved into the headboard and the four poster that hold up the drapery are each one huge and ornately carved snake. Against one wall is a cauldron and a fire place with flu powder on the mantle while on the opposite side if the room is a dresser with a mirror and a lamp all of it was decorated with snakes and hints of green. Then next one to the dresser is two doors though one is partly madw of glass and you can see it leads out to a balcony. Opening the one I can't see through I find a bathroom. Closing the bathroom door I turn around and see that Malfoy is getting some wood and putting it in the fire place. 'Now that I think of it is a little bit chilly in here isn't Nia.' That's because your not paying attention now go talk to Draco,' Nia says, 'he's being sweet and getting a fire started in the for place.' Hearing this my face started to heat up, 'what the hell Nia!' walking over I find that he's taken his want out and pointing it at the fire place. Giving it a flick he says, "Infirio." A bright spark light the tip of his want red and a flame leaps towards the wood in the fire place.

"Thank you for fixing the fire place for me Draco," I say sitting one of two comfy arm chairs in front of the fire place waiting for it to warm up, "what was it you wanted to ask me about?"

He turns around and takes a seat in the other arm chair across from me and asks, "What's Symbiotic Nymphs and aren't Nymphs just legends?"

'That's funny,' thought Nia, 'if Nymph's where only in legends where did the legends come from.'

Ignoring Nia's babbling, I look at him answering, "Nymphs are very real and the Symbiotic Nymph is inside of me, though I'm not quite sure as to what she is supposed to do for me though she has hinted at my bloodline being related to the Nymphs. This is hard for me to believe especially since I'm pretty sure I'm 100% human as far as I know."

'Not anymore your not,' states Nia,' the moment we woke up you received the Bloodline of a Celestial Nymph from me.'

"Wait what Nia? I'm to tired for this Nia."

''Then send him out so you can get some sleep,' Nia replies back.

Draco looks at me with a weird look, "And I'm guessing that she talks to you too."

realizing that I'd spoken to Nia out loud, I start feeling my face turing beat red from embarrassment, 'well cat's out of the bag now, I might as well tell him,' "Yes, she talks to me."

"Well what did she say?" Draco asks.

" She said that we she go to bed since its late."

"Oh," looking at the clock on the fire mantle reading that is nearly 12 at night, Draco says in realization, "I didn't realize it so late, I'll talk to you at breakfast then!"

"Okay Draco, I'll see you in the morning," I answer yawning, as I get up from the arm chair and go to open the door for him.

I hear him take a sharp breath before he gets up, 'He's probably going to leave and not want to talk to me anymore considering how he was in the book and movie.' But just as think this the unexpected happened.

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Draco's POV:

Instead of heading straight for the door like my peers and family would have wanted and expected me to do. I walked towards her and turn her to face me with my hand under her chin, "I'm glad that you are here, even if your not completely human. There is nothing you or anyone can say to change what I think because you have been the kindest person I have ever met and you even truthful with me about something I bet other people wouldn't ever be willing to talk about."

I see surprise in her eyes as tears start to stream down her face but a smile starts appearing as she looks up at me saying, "Thank you."

At that moment my heart gives a painful throb as I look at her tear streaked face, as I start to feel my own face turning beat red, I release her chin, "I should be going now, I'll pick you up in the morning for breakfast, we have class in the morning afterwords." She watches me as I walk toward the door and open it, looking back I smile and say, "Good night," as I close the door and head towards the boys dorm where I know Crabb and Goyle are waiting to interrogate me.