I would like to think my conversational skills didn't fail me sighing in relief and sitting on one of the couches in the living room. But still that was rather strange how not once did I mess up and how quickly I could fit in and how quickly I was able to do it. My only hope is that I don't lose myself in whatever this is and become a carbon copy of him.
Breaking me out of my thoughts was the appearance of a small blue screen with words reading Welcome to your new life. We do hope everything here is to your liking and you enjoy your current living conditions and it took a bit of effort to fit you in this world without breaking anything. As you see now you are cemented in this world as a regular human being with no supernatural qualities being shown. Along with a few quality of life insurances in and around your house for protection and future training when the time comes. Now in order to begin your ascension from a normal human you must become a Shinigami and train from the beginning. Or you can simply live as a human disclaimer that life span will be short due to supernatural accidents.
That…doesn't sound too bad sure i'm not captain level right off the bat but with Aizen's level of talent and comprehension ability I should be fine. And being a normal human here in this world where stray devils that could kill you with breast base acid weaponry the choice is obvious. But how I don't even know where to begin I may have the talent but not the info to do anything with it.
Along with those thoughts another window popped up please follow the marker to the training grounds to begin. Then a small black butterfly came fluttering out behind a corner and did a few circles as if waiting for me to approach. I'm guessing that's my marker. Walking towards the butterfly it begins to move again this time back behind the corner and hovering on a door lazily. The door leads down to a cement floor covered basement and relatively barren. Looking towards my little marker it seems to be hovering in a dark corner on the other side of the room. Approaching it an old style elevator came into view along with a small metal gate and a lever inside.
Stepping into the elevator along with the butterfly hovering over my shoulder I pulled the lever down. It felt like being on a rollercoaster but with no safety precautions taken to stop you from flying out. Reaching the ground floor with only some mild nausea and weak legs I took in my surroundings and I was awestruck. Near endless blue sky and white clouds dotted across and rocky and desert terrain what looked like a rather large structure off in the distance it felt surreal that something like this could be under a house. But I couldn't stay in awe much longer much longer as the blue window popped up with a small victory tune.
Begin training
Yes. No
The answer being obvious to anyone with some common sense I put my answer almost as soon as it came up. A glowing blue light a couple feet away from me started to get bigger and more intense until it was the size of a person. What came out was a strict middle aged man dressed in a black shihakusho typical to what you see the grunts of the show wearing. Looking towards me with a scowl obviously not in the best of moods."hmph so you're the new cadet you look no stronger than a run of the mill human man i've got my work cut out for me here". Eyeing me like an interesting specimen or odd curiosity earning a Small twitch of my eyebrow.
Circling around me like a wolf does its prey he started looking me over and nodding to himself and muttering.
"Good there's hope for you alright. My name is Mori, but to you it's instructor Mori or sensei" giving me a rather hard look. Giving a small smile and bowing my head in faux respect" I understand Instructor Mori". Nodding to him with a pleased expression
"Alright kid what's the main deciding factor of a fight between supernatural entities". With no hesitation, I answered " it's based on spirit energy whoever has more and better control would be the winner". Giving a rather surprised expression he continued "Good so you know some of the basic theory excellent, now people are born with a specific amount of spirit energy but they can expand it through training or meditation ".
Along with a brief pause making sure I got all of that, Getting a small nod from me he continued "and seeing as you have no control or access to your spirit energy we are going to unlock it through a special form of mediation called Sei Hasu.
Sitting down in said pose he motioned for me to mimic him and seeing as my imitation was satisfactory." Good now close your eyes and feel deep inside yourself and remember you can't let yourself get distracted otherwise you'd have to start over from the beginning and remember the color of a soul reapers ribbon".
Instructor Mori droned on about more details about this pose including where it came from but his slowly faded until it simply disappeared completely. Foggy is the best way to describe my inner world and quite scarily so. The only thing here besides are white ribbons coming out of the fog waving in the non existent wind. I'm not sure how long I've been here. Time was weird here. It felt as if it would slow down and speed up without warning.
I'm a damn fool how could I forget something so obvious a soul reapers ribbon is red. I need it.
Almost as if on queue a dark red ribbon lazily swaying in the air stark contrast compared to the white background. Running towards and grabbing hold of it I pulled with all my strength and felt something tear in responses. Like a damn letting the flood waters out I felt a power course throughout my entire being.
Looking on in sheer awe and fear at the amount of spiritual pressure being unleashed from a simple training exorcise. And the scary thing about it, it kept rising without any signs of slowing at all. The ground around him was beginning to crack and small rocks were already beginning to levitate. And a white outline appeared on the young reaper cadet. The pressure was making it hard to breathe, much less move a muscle.
Slowly he watched the young reaper open his eyes and stand up but the pressure seemed to have vanished without a trace . Dropping to one knee and breathing large deep breaths along with wiping the cold sweat that formed on his brow. With his eye still on his student who fell to his knees and lost consciousness. " Damn he's out like a light can't say I blame him, that much spirit energy being released at once probably taxed his body to the limit of what he could endure.
Back in the foggy landscape a dark silhouette could be seen followed by the sound of a woman's giggling.