chapter 3

Waking up the first thing that hit me was the pain it felt like every bone in my body was creaking on the verge of snapping in my eyes. I saw instructor Mori standing over me, hands glowing green on my chest.

Looking down at me he released a sigh of relief and said " good Lord kid you're finally awake gave me scare" helping me sit up and rubbing my head wincing at the pain "what in the world happened to me".

His face forming into a frown looking at me breathing a sigh he lowers his hand and dismisses the green glow" it seems the exercise to release your spirit energy worked a little too well, I didn't expect you to have the levels of spirit energy you do. Nearly tore your body apart. I managed to heal the worst of it but you're still gonna be sore".

With my throat going dry at how dangerous my previous situation was, he continued to say " there's good and bad news, good news you have monstrous levels of spirit energy and latent talent, Bad news is that you're at risk of your own spirit energy ripping you apart". Feeling my heart skip a beat but my face staying in its passive smile and a do go on face.

Helping me to my feet, it didn't take long to notice the casual clothes I had been wearing were gone. Now garbed in a standard shihakusho and sandals like most shinigami wear along with two swords strapped to each side. One being rather unassuming in appearance but those who know about it would say appearances can be deceiving. Fingering the handle at my side and whispering in pleasant shock Kyoka suigetsu?!

Drawing and holding it in my hand, the sword sent a pleasant shiver down my spine full of indescribable happiness. Gently holding the sword and looking at it like a mother does a newborn child full of love and warmth. Along with a pleasant cooling sensation that ran up my arm in return as if responding to my emotion.

Reluctantly sheathing the blade back to my side and turning to the other sword with a beautiful blue hilt. The first thing that stood out was the length of the sword shorter by half and more ornate. Drawing the sword my attention was immediately drawn to the blade shimmering like polished silver. Beautiful no mesmerizing is a more accurate description of my first thoughts on the sword before sheathing the blade.

Clearing his throat with a cough and gaining my attention gives an annoyed expression before continuing " alright kid the best way to learn control is kido as it needs precision it's a good way to learn how to manipulate your spirit energy effectively and efficiently".

He began to tell me the basics of kido or demon arts and each spell has a ranking 1 to 99 and along with a chant. Kido is separated into different branches including destruction, spells, barriers and sealing. Bakudo the way of binding or hado the way of destruction being the most common the way kido works is by gathering Spirit energy into specific parts of your body, mainly the hands and holding it there the more you can hold the stronger the spell and the correct chant cand even more power.

Instructor Moro decided the safest branch to learn defensive spells as the chance of it backfiring on the user are miniscule at best. It was entertaining to watch my instructors face go from a frown to a devious smile after I'd managed to gain a semblance of control and managed to cast basic bakudo spells.

He started to teach me hado spells as the risk of me blowing myself up reduced dramatically after learning some control along with a basic flash step and how to integrate that with zanjutsu.


After an unknown amount of time instructor Mori was clapping his hands together grabbing my attention he spoke like a dutiful teacher " alright kid that's enough for today though I am surprised most Academy students would be heaving from exhaustion if they were throwing spells around like you were for the past 16 hours we will restart training tomorrow".

Now that he mentions it my arms feel numb and legs heavy with a faint stinging sensation…. was I really so engrossed I lost myself training? Instructor Mori vanished in a flash of bright blue light and I was left alone to digest what I had learned. But not long after a blue screen popped up along with congratulatory music.

"Congratulations on completing and passing your first training session with flying colors"

Kido [Trainee]

Zanjutsu [Trainee]

Flash step [ Trainee]

Closing the screen with a thought and making my way out of the training ground with a limp and an elevator ride later,the day's training was washed away by a hot shower. And a quick power nap later mostly recovered at an almost inhuman speed though a dull throb was still there.

You know I'm not sure what I was expecting to be reborn in DXD. There I stood outside my house staring at the sky with a dull expression, lips frowned downwards cursing my luck. The sky shifted from blue to green but the main color was a deep red with. So turns out i'm not even on earth or rather the same dimension as earth to be precise i'm in hell. What really gave it away were the guards flying with bat-like wings in old style armor and a variety of weapons..

Walking down the street and past the occasional guard who gave out weary glances and weapons ready to draw should the need arise. It didn't take long until I figured out it seems my house is in a gated community as I had left said community by stepping past an open gate with two guards standing each side both with dents and cracks in their armor.

The first thing that stood out, the smell of smoke and falling ash from the sky. Buildings reduced to rubble and blood leaking through the cracks on what used to be a street. Small fires raging through the area throwing more smoke and ash into the air. It's sickening such widespread destruction and chaos.

Breaking me out of my horrified state the sound of a man wailing out in pure grief and despair holding a small body eyes glazed over. It's a mystery how I managed to make it back through the gate.

Dropping to my knees breathing hard and dry heaving from what I saw. Feeling a hand on my shoulder gripping it in a comforting way. Looking up one of the guards at the gate had come to me." Horrid out their ain't it thankfully the barrier in this area held." Gaining a far off look in his eyes clenching his teeth he spoke in a seething voice " those bastards from the old Mao faction they raised a good portion of the city raped and murdered any they came across. Luckily lady serafall managed to route them otherwise this city would be a smouldering ruin."

W..what. That can't be dxd is supposed to be a battle harem turn your brain off anime.

Author: So I haven't seen any fanfics of dxd set in the civil war time period and wanted to try something new. Hopefully whoever reads this thinks the same thing.

And honestly it just feels right for the character to try and survive through to current timeframe of DXD. and no the MC is not a devil he is a shinigami

Any questions just put them in the comments and i'll answer on the next chapter