chapter 4

It's been around two weeks and that scene still sends shivers down my spine. Haunting me even in my dreams it keeps replaying over and over. And I haven't left the house sense holding myself up in the training ground desperately training. Pushing myself to the limit under Instructor Mori's guidance. Even so it's not enough everytime my mind wanders. I see myself dead laying there killed by some demon or beast. I'm just not strong enough to protect myself. It disgusts me.

"Look kid i get it but you can't keep pushing yourself at this rate your gonna kill yourself "voiced laced with worry different than his usual dismissive tone.

"I know Instructor Mori but I can't stay the way I am"Gone was the gentle smile replaced with an unreadable mask, eyes half hands singed and clothes torn from kido mishaps. Hands pointed towards an area filled with craters and scattered rocks."Hado Number #31 Shakkaho!" what followed was a red orb and forming then flying destroying a boulder off in the distance In a large explosion.

Watching his student pushing himself from a top a large boulder sitting cross legged with a frown he muttering out. "I had hoped to save this for when he was ready, removing a small pill white in color but at this rate… I've got no . Flash stepping behind his student and grabbing him by the scruff of his neck tossing him a few feet." Alright brat I've had enough of this pity party you're throwing yourself" grabbing the white tablet earning a surprised gasp and eyes widening in surprise"that isn't that hollow bait you can't possibly mean to use it here"?!

Giving a forced grin" So you understand what i intended to do" good that saves me the pain of an explanation before breaking it watching it dissolve and glitter in the air. "Survive Cadet Aizen, grow stronger and never let your fear control you."

The only thoughts going through his mind where to get far away from here as quickly as possible. But an orange box formed trapping him and a good portion of the training ground inside. Glancing towards instructor mori who simply waved at him from outside the barrier growling out in hate" Instructor what is the meaning of this".

"You forced my hand. I can't as a teacher let you continue to move forward the way you are now. If you do the moment you get into a real fight you'll freeze resulting in you getting killed. I decided to use a relatively weak bait and that barrier is to keep you and the hollow confined".

Cutting him off is the sound of space ripping in two showing a black void. Followed by a horrified whisper "Garganta" crawling out of it, a creature with a massive hole in its chest. Easily seven feet stall arms longer touching the ground and hand like boney claws. With an emaciated figure ribs jutting out. White mask adjourned on its face and beady yellow eyes,drool leaking out of its mouth. Its very presence made the air foul and the spiritual pressure leaking from it is dark.

Mouth open and tongue out tasting the air much like a snake but more grotesque. It turned its head straight towards me letting a ghastly scream. The killing intent and hunger in those eyes promised a messy end. Terror is the only thing you can feel watching something so inhuman running at you.

As if by instinct or shear dumb luck calling out "Bakudo Number 39 Enkosen"! Creating a small round orange shield shattering as it absorbs the impact. But sent me skidding backwards leaving a trail. Drawing kyoka Suigetsu and barely blocking a slash from the bone claw sending out sparks from the impact. Bringing up a hand ,palm aimed at it's head" hado Number 31 shakkaho". Aim on point the red ball hit the hollow right in the face exploding grabbing its face in pain.

Flash stepped behind the hollow slightly above its head trying to decapitate it with an overhead swing. Turning around faster than expected it slashing out at my stomach. Barely being able to pull away resulting in a large gash. Looking at the blood soaking my shihakusho and running down my legs and dripping to the ground in a small puddle. Might be the adrenalin but the pain hasn't hit yet only a sense of numbness.

I can't tell behind the hollows mask but I swear it's sneering at me irksome beast. Watching as its tongue went lapping the blood from its claws feeling disgust and a rush of anger at the sight. Taking advantage of its distraction rushing towards it only to be blocked showering the both of us in sparks. Finally managing to cut into the bastards side blood spilling out .Getting another blow to the stomach sending me flying into a nearby mountain. Having the air knock out my lungs and vision going fuzzy.

Bleeding,bruised and beaten all of my efforts only earned a minor wound on the hollows side. Flashing out of my little crater in the mountain towards the beast groaning from the effort. Blade swinging for its midsection hoping to bisect him in to. Only for a white hand to reach out towards the blade.

"I..impossible he caught it" feeling it sink into the flesh of its hand anchoring it there . Then the feeling of an iron grip and claws digging into the left shoulder holding me in place. Mouth wide and drool stringing it bit down on the other shoulder flesh tearing blood splashing like. This can't be how it all ends eaten by what quints to a wild animal no better tuen cannon fodder.

Time seemed to have stopped the world losing most of its color.

A mature yet feminine voice rang out full of anger echoing "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU FOOL ...Why are you holding back letting this animal hurt you."

Replying back with a bit more venom than anticipated at the voice. " What do you mean holding back? I'm fighting tooth and nail just trying to stay alive! You think I want to get eaten alive by this thing."

Sounding almost sad " you're blinded by your fear and insecurity. It's holding you back. Why do you think that the teacher of yours did thisY must let go of all your doubts and fears. Move forward without hesitation and laugh in the face of death.

The world came back to life and time resumed moving ever forward. And with those words something snapped like a switch had been flipped.

There were no explosions or flashing lights but the atmosphere inside the barrier, an invisible pressure pushing down on all who neared it." So tell me how long do you plan on biting my shoulder" rang out impassively . As if guided by some higher intelligence in its animalistic mind or instinct telling it to move. The hollow letting go of its prey in a desperate retreat leaped backwards.

A burst of speed appeared behind the hollow as it landed " your quite slow now aren't you" almost mockingly in tone. But before it could react a swing of my sword sent the hollows head tumbling to the ground like a puppet that had its strings cut.

Looking down at the sword resting in my hand "thank you" followed by soft laughter. Speaking in a reprimanding voice " don't doubt yourself any longer"

Gently patting the hilt " I will with your help kyoka suigetsu" what followed was a hm in approval.

The moment was ruined by the other sword vibrating rattling in its sheath. Drawing it the feeling of excitement immediately came to mind like child and candy. As if being tugged it pointed towards the slowly dissipating hollow glowing lightly it started to suck the the corpse in, absorbed by the blade. Once done with that it seemingly went quite the light fading.

Huh that's odd