Looking at his young student… no his comrade in arms Aizen gained that right after slaying the hollow. Even injured and bleeding he doesn't stop improving sitting in an old soul reaper meditation form called jinzen. Allowing one to interact with your inner world and zanpakuto by placing their weapon on their lap and take a meditation-like pose and then continue to force their mind to become one with their Zanpakuto. Watching as the spirit energy rose and fell. "Hmm so his zanpakuto started training him already impressive he hasn't even recovered completely" speaking out to no one in particular.
Back inside the mind of Aizen a battle is raging. In the skies
Doding strikes from the front only to be stabbed from behind " You're getting better my master especially with my shikai's ability". Watching as the illusion turned into feathers white feathers lazily drifting in the wind " That's high praise coming from you Kyoka suigetsu " looking towards his zanpakuto a woman bearing almost regal grace like that of a queen with white hair swaying softly and a beautiful blue kimono that didn't hide her curves."But you still have a long way to go to true mastery".
Eyes widening at the feeling of a sword point softly resting on his back before as the woman in front of him disappeared. Shuddering at the feeling of her warm breath next to his ear"remember master well i can control all five senses you have to make the illusion. Such as the breeze through one's hair or the smell of flowers if too many factors are wrong the hypnosis will break".
Taking the information in silently and regarding his sword spirit from the corner of his eye she wrapped her arms around his waist holding him with such care and love hsword going who knows where. Before hopping back she continued to speak" It's time for you to go. The mental stress from being in here to long will affect you.
Time here is faster then it is out there besides our sparring seems to have destroyed my home". Looking around you could see the remains of a gazebo situated in the middle of a lake with wooden walkways connected to it running in different directions. Earning a twitch of his brow she was the one who caused him to crash into it.
And with that, everything faded to black along with the return of the dull pain his body is currently experiencing. Eyes opening and taking in the sight of the training ground and instructor Mori doing his own "meditating" followed by a snore and drool. And then disappeared in a blue glow.
Stretching his body hearing the pops and cracks from the result of sitting for so long. The interesting thing is the moment he really started to embrace his true strength came with a few benefits including a tougher body and increased healing factor. The wounds he suffered after only half a day were already closed and scabbing and within a day not even a scar would remain.
Making his way out of the training ground and up the elevator. For a bath and a change of clothes odd thing is there's a full closet of outfits all of which Aizen has worn and spares. After changing finally decided it was time to explore his surroundings.
With a small sigh he stepped outside looking to sky a mix of colors but predominantly red. Thinking to himself the air here is so charged I can't believe I missed it beforehand. Kyoka chimed in of course it is if going of what you know these devils. You don't just throw power around like they do without consequence Getting a small hmn in response.
Being able to take a proper walk around my neighborhood it seems to be an area for the rich or at least middle class streets are clean and regularly patrolled. Finding an exit to the wider city didn't take too long ; a large gate with two guards, these ones far younger in age, teenagers at best then the last two .
The first thing that came to mind as I stepped through the gate. Everything seems to be in a state of disrepair crumbling in on itself. Filth lined the streets and the smell was almost unbearable. Not to mention the amount of homeless begging for scraps from those passing by who didn't look much better. Or those selling themselves for some "fun" in some seedy alleyways. Or screams and cries for help from another alley that I'd pass by.
Apparently I have quite a few eyes following me, not surprising as I stick out pretty badly. It's not the clothing or swords, no it's that there's not a speck of dirt on me. To the local denizens I'm probably some rich minor noble or merchant that wandered off the beaten path. For now it seems their content is shadowing me and killing each other for the time being. One thing that really stood out besides the filth and general poverty of the city.
It didn't take long to reach what seems to be a town square. With large tanned tent sent up and a line of devils leading to the entrance. Walking towards the back of the line a teenager no older than 15 with a small to gain his attention asked `` what's the line for".
It was quite comical watching as he went through a variety of facial expressions and colors. But finally straightening his back" W..well milord the militia is recruiting able bodied citizens to reclaim the raised parts of the city. And to hunt any stragglers or looters down. If you do well lady serafall may even give the honor of recruiting you into her army". Looking at the young devil who had stars in his eye obviously star struck at the name.
"Oh do tell why are you joining the militia forces" bringing the young recruit to be out of his idolization of Mao to be. Gaining a down cast look he answered" well milord its either you die slowly from starvation or on the battlefield" giving a bitter smile he continued" if only my demonic power wasn't so miniscule I'd be kept in support. What about you milrod thinking of joining the militia".
"Perhaps" and with that the conversation went on mostly getting information and small details that may play a part in the future. Then my little unknowing info sprouts enter the tent. Leaving me to my thoughts and how to plan my next move.
I see that the territory I'm in is a part of the sitri clan, a small city located on the border. Which means this just behind the frontline. A good part of the city was hit by bombardment magic by the old Mao supporters led by Katerea leviathan. And it seems a young serafall and her family's best generals and house guards managed to route Katerea. But are currently in a pitched battle some 15 kilometers away. That's practically knife fighting distance.
But if i join the militia it will let me move around relatively safely and easily. Along with the bonus of gaining some more combat experience. And if I can get to a higher position that has its own benefits.
As it is now they won't care where their recruits come from. Hell I saw a couple of species that are certainly not devils. Me not being a devil won't matter all that much they are starved for more bodies.
My mind made up and plans set for the future. I know my choice. It reminds me of a quote the original Aizen once said fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that one could be destroyed at any moment