Joining the militia was a simple matter after all no need for stringent background checks or a proof of identity. Just a brown cloak with a badge that serves as a uniform identifying them as militia soldiers and a number signifying what company we belong to. Given an assigned area in the courtyard for our company to meet.
They needed bodies to throw at the enemy untrained or not that would rectify itself with the ongoing war as they gained experience. Before being transferred to the regular army one more specifically one being led by a noble. These militia formations also serve as a way to hire and screen mercenaries. Though for the most it would be patrols around the city and escort missions bringing supplies to the front.
Now my unit was as expected filled with untrained devils carrying whatever makeshift weapon they had. Though one person stood out, a massive lime skinned creature easily 7 feet tall with arms the size of tree trunks carrying a massive battle axe that would have Baraggan nodding his head impressed . With an overall figure that could rip a normal man in two with sheer brute strength dressed in modest leather armor quite the creature. Judging by the distance the other recruits were keeping from it they had the same thoughts. That and it would snort/growl at anything that came to close almost mockingly , not endearing the beast to the others around it.
The rather apprehensive whispers gave away what that beast is. An orc is a rather common sight to see during war times they come to seek glory in the upcoming battles. A race filled with battle lust that would have Kenpachi blushing and looking away in shame. And the only thing an orc adores more than fighting, shiny things and trophies to adorn his armor.
Soon enough the hushed whispers died off with the appearance of our company captain. Strangely, a relatively young devil of 24 physically wise ,odd that one so young would be in charge of such a large group of 112 granted we are a bunch of civilians playing as soldiers. Though I suppose if he's lasted this long in the war he may have earned that in his own way. Or he's a noble getting the comfy position by using his connections.
Clearing his throat he began talking "Now i won't begin to guess as to why you are all here ,hell i don't really care. What I do care about is that all of you understand your reason for being here. And that is to stop the bastards from the old Mao faction from causing anymore destruction and to support the nobles of the anti Satan faction. Now our missions are rather simple patrols, caravan/ escorting supplies and mopping up any of the cowards who fled from battle. Patrols will be done in pairs; the occasional supply run to the frontline will be done in groups of six led by a sergeant same for clean up".
And with that our orientation into the militia was over along with the assigned squads for each of us and a cloak for each of us. Marking us as militia. My squad consisted of four rather mundane devils nothing, of note about them the only two that stood out was the last teammate and our sergeant. The last team member being a rather kill happy orc staring at the squad rather unimpressed if not down right bored and offended. Our sergeant, an older devil approaching his 40s, appeared like a rather gruff man with a scar going down the middle of his face. And he look none to pleased with the current arrangements
'Impressive the amount of power this man is giving and he's still considered a grunt not worth more than to lead a bunch of militias ' .
"Dammit ! I asked to lead a squad, not inexperienced green boys and a damn orc" Visibly scowling. Speaking more to himself then any of us present. Earning a small growl from our lime skinned teammate for being called weak.
Rubbing his temple he continued " My name is Lucien and don't bother introducing yourself, I won't bother learning your names till a month has passed. Now I will read your pairs off Aizen Sosuke and Snog Urul". Noting down the rest of names for future use never know when it'll come in handy. Soon Lucien left after giving us our orders , leaving us alone each group setting out on their patrol routes.
'Probably should have seen that coming knowing my luck with situations like these' side eyeing my new partner for the time being as we continued on our way going at a comfortable pace as the sky changed to darker colors signifying night was approaching. He strangely went from staring at me and mumbling to himself. "You are stronger than the others" It was more of a statement then a question. Glancing back toward him "Oh what makes you say that Snog" earning a snort in response "You're smell' saying it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Blinking owlishly at Snog "I'm sorry that doesn't explain anything…" cutting me off with a snarl and drawing his axe he began huffing growling. Now I won't lie and say I wasn't extremely worried about a green skinned wall of muscle donned in leather armor and spikes Welding a massive axe.
Until a third voice spoke up "well well well What do we have here? I'll tell you what I see a pair of militia rats aint that right boys". And out from the shadow and alleyways comes a group of 16 devils each as ragged and starved dressed in rags with a variety of makeshift weapons.
Now I'm not sure why but might it be the inner Aizen in me all but demanding that I retort in some smug way to enrage my enemy after all anger makes one act in rash ways an exploit that can be taken advantage of. "Rats huh how amusing that the likes of you are looking down on me you should really learn who your betters are. After all mistakes such as this have rather unfortunate endings, allow me to teach you". Drawing Kyoka Zuigetsu enjoying the feel and the non existent weight of the sword in my palm.
"How dare you talk to me like that! I was going to let you live the meat last longer that way but now I'm going to enjoy watching life fade from your eyes ,have at em boys meats on the menu tonight!". Cheers Ringing out and bellowing roar from my orc companion both sides charged.
With a flash of speed two fell from gashes on their necks another got turned into a paste from a charging battle angry orc. Bisecting a man completely when he tried to block my sword with some rusted old blade. Flicking my sword splattering the blood into the eye of my next opponent blinding him costing his life for the momentary distraction. Flash stepping to another opponent who turns out to be the leader of this little group. With a quick flick of my blade the man lost everything below his knee. With their leader out of commission the rest ran off in fright.
Looking towards my companion who is currently ripping a man's head from his body as he screams in pain adorning the head on one of the hooks as a trophy.
Looking back towards the man desperately trying to crawl away with a few steps and a kick to the stomach the man was on his back looking up in pure terror." Please my lord let me go" all while blubbering apologies and excuses. "I was never going to kill you dont you remember I was simply teaching you a lesson rather slow aren't you". "R..really oh thank you milord most generous and kind" Walking towards Snog who was watching my exchange with raised eyebrows "you let him live why".
" He's a dead man whether I run him through or not. After all, don't you feel all of them coming? They can smell the blood already". Earning a small grunt of acknowledgement before Snog started chuckling "That's cruel of you but I like it funny man". And like that our first patrol ended .To the sounds of flesh tearing and a man screaming echoing into the night.
Once we made it back to the checkpoint both us going our own way till the next patrol. It's odd during that whole fight I felt nothing but contempt, no disgust from killing ,no horror that I had just condemned a man to an excoriating death it felt like stepping on bugs and grinding them to dust simply because they got in my way not out of some sadistic pleasure.
How disappointed I am in myself couldn't sense them till they were right on top of me damn such a mistake can get me killed. with gritted teeth it's back to the training grounds till tomorrow.