Chapter 9

After finishing his talk with the sanbi, Naruto exited the Yagura's mindscape.

"Ughh" the kage grunted as the seal Naruto placed made want to vomit and hid chakra control was so bad.

"Umm... I'm grateful for releasing me from the Genjutsu..." Yagura stated, "but can you release your seal?"

The blonde got into a thinking pose and had a serious face on him while releasing a lot of killer intent, "How about no?"

This made Yagura want to puke more, 'What did I do? Was I asking too much?'

Naruto slowly rose his hand towards Yagura, "Of course!" Naruto eye-smiled and released his intent like nothing happened making the kage sweatdrop.

'What a weird man'

Naruto proceeded to apply chakra to his finger tips and undo his seal, "Fuin: Kai" making Yagura's control over his chakra back.

The blonde helped Yagura in standing up as he said, "Yagura, as you know, many have died because of this pointless war..."

This earned him a nod, Yagura was guilty despite being controlled. He was the kage, so he was responsible. "I'm going to stop this now, let's go"

Naruto nodded and they both sunshinned towards the battle camp. After arriving on the biggest tent of the camp, there were twenty jounins. Eighteen watching the map in the table, and two discussing and relaying the plan for the attack.

All jounin noticed their kage and an unkown person beside their leader. They got in their battle stance as soon as they noticed the blonde man. "Mizukage-sama, watchout!"

They were about to throw shuriken and senbons towards Naruto but Yagura held his hand, signalling them to stop. "Sheathe your weapons, he's with me."

The jounins were hesitant but their leader's orders were absolute and quickly sheathed all of their weapons and bowed towards the mizukage.

"Wew~" Naruto whistled, "Musst be nice to be a kage huh?" He asked Yagura. The jounins really wanted to knock this blonde up and shut his mouth up, but could only grit their teeth while tickmarks were formed in their forhead.

He was the Mizukage's guest, they were not dumb. Yagura would literally murder them if they dare offend a guest.

"It's not that great, have you ever heard of paperwork? You'll regret being a kage." Yagura said making the shinobi's widen their eyes.

Mizukage-sama, joking? What the fuck!?

Naruto laughed as he found a chair and sat on it. "Well? Come on, what're you waiting for?"

Yagura stared towards Naruto, he couldn't really get this guy. He's sometimes serious but suddenly happy, was this guy bipolar?

*Ehem* "I'm here to make an order, we're stopping any form of attack against bloodline users." Yagura commanded, and before the jounins could react, he continued. "We're welcoming our people back. Inform the other camps to return towards the village this once."

Deciding not to question, all of them nodded and informed other camps. "Hai Mizukage-sama!"

Naruto watched the entire conversation until the end and was satisfied with Yagura's decision. "Good, let's go to the other side and invite them back to your village."

Nodding in agreement, Yagura retrieved his staff and both of them sunshinned towards the rebel camp.


Steve wondered why Naruto's chakra signature vanished suddenly but shrugged as the blonde was stronger than him anyway, no need to worry. He was currently distributing the weaponry and armors for the upcoming war.

Noticing a shine and constant change of color on his ring from red to black, Steve channeled his chakra towards the ring and accepted the call, knowing it was from Naruto. 'Naruto, where were you?'

'My friend, I went to get some turtle.'


'Anyways, I'll be there in a few minutes.'

The telepathy was cut off, leaving the merchant to his thoughts. 'Turtle?'

The mood of the entire camp was really cold, but Mei was doing her job in keeping her men's morale up. Everyone was busy readying their equipment, not a single one of them were dilly dallying as they had to get their freedom and land back.

Mei was currently in a tent with a few jounin rank shinobis and kunoichis, discussing their formation and etc. They were busy but alert as they needed to be on guard all the time in case something happens that were not in their calculations.

In the middle of a discussion, Naruto arrived with Yagura in the main tent. They relaxed first when they sensed it was Naruto's signature but their heart skipped a beat when they saw Yagura standing beside Naruto.

"Naruto-san what is the meaning of this!?" Mei jumped back and prepared her handsigns in case of an attack. "Was all of these a trick to ambush us!?"

'What a brave woman' Naruto thought as he held his hand up with Yagura, signalling they were of no threat, but Mei didn't believe since the leader of the opposing faction was standing just a few meters away from her. "Sheathe your weapons. Mei, I can explain so calm down."

Naruto wryly smiled. He knew this would happened but didn't plan on what to do since he really didn't care. "Hear me out for minute then you can ask your questions later."

There was a few seconds of silence before Mei broke it and said. "Speak"

The blonde could only sigh in annoyance.

'What a scary woman...'