Chapter 13

Naruto was smiling.

Not only did his negotiation with the Teuchi went smooth, Steve's transactions at the bank finished rather quickly despite buying a mansion rather than a villa. However, he didn't mind it, a mansion was more than okay.

He met Steve a while ago after he went outside the ramen shop, the now business man gave him the duplicate keys to the mansion he bought. Steve told him that he exchanged all the golds for R20,000,000.

The mansion costed R6,000,000 and R300,000 for a business space, R700,000 for plot of one hectare land located near the big clan compounds. Steve also got R200,000 for the decoration of the business space he bought. He planned in turning into a jewelry store.

Naruto planned to build the Guild and auction house in this land, that's why he made Steve bought it. The blonde made Steve keep all the remaining R12,800,000 and gave him the blueprint for the construction of the Guild and auction house.

He was now standing in front of very large gate that separated him from his very own mansion.

The mansion was massive, it was a two story concrete based mansion located on top of the hokage mountain just above the head of the Yondaime Hokage, his father.

He knew about it back when he was a child before life removed all the innocence, his friends would tease him of being the only blonde hair aside from the Yondaime to live in Konoha. (Yamanakas aren't blonde, their light blond hehe).

That's why he knew it, it was really that simple. He was also born the day Minato died, it wasn't a coincidence duh.

"Fuin!" Naruto placed a seal on the gate and an invisible line of barrier surrounded his mansion. This type of seal was to prevent anyone to pass through the barrier with the exception for those who are betas or sentinels of his guild.

He went inside, looked around and familiarized himself to his new house. Later, he found the master bedroom and placed a seal on it. "Fuin: Private Dimension"

This type of seal was set so that anything inside this barrier was connected to a dimension where Naruto could control the time so he could slow or speed up his sleep making it 8 hours in his private dimension while an hour would pass in the normal timeline. This was what he used in training multiple jutsus.

After familiarizing himself with his house, Naruto went outside and went towards the top of the Nidaime Hokage's head. The scenery was much better here than in the Yondaime's head.

Buying a lounge chair, parasol, and a milktea from the system, Naruto relaxed himself.

Ever since Naruto traveled to another dimension in a planet called earth, he wandered in so many places and ate different types of food. He had tacos in Mexico, Pie Floaters in Australia, Molokhia in Egypt, Roast beef in England, Tandoori chicken in India, Adobo in Philippines. Eventually, he found himself in a country called Korea. He really liked their fashion and this famous tea called "Milktea". In his first few tries, he was confused by the flavor but he liked it. After a few more rounds of milk tea, he was addicted. Story end.

As he was enjoying his view, someone walked towards where Naruto was situated. Of course, Naruto sensed him the very moment the person walked in the streets of Konoha.

That's how powerful Naruto's sensory abilities are, if focused, he could sense the whole continent. His body was like that of Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist) which could withstand any types of attack. Despite this, he was well trained by Alucard in dodging any types of attack that came from the vampire. And trust me, that vampire was overkill.

"What a good day to relax, ain't I right old-man?" Naruto said this while continuing in admiring the view. 'So the ten sharingans are planted in your body, hmm... well it doesn't matter as Izanagi doesn't work on me anyway.'

The old-man joined Naruto in looking at the view, "What do you think of the village young man?"

Hearing this, Naruto just took a sip from his favorite drink and chewed the pearls inside it. He took his time and replied, "A good economy for business" and continued to sip his drink.

"Look at me boy..." the old-man ordered him.

However, Naruto ignored him and continued to sip his drink. "So what, you can control me with that stolen sharingan of yours... Danzo?"

The now named Danzo widened his eyes and looked at the blonde warily, "Tell, what is your name?"

Naruto stood up, not enjoying this anymore. He looked at danzo with while holding his drink. "How 'bout you control me now?" He said and released a menacing pressure that suffocated Danzo. He cut off the pressure, walking towards the frozen mummy and placed his hand on the old-man's shoulder.

"Izanagi doesn't work in me either." Naruto then walked passed Danzo and sipped the last remaining pearl. "See ya next time old-man." he then disappeared.

Danzo was still frozen, he couldn't believe what he saw. After the blonde released a ton of pressure, a figure appeared above the blonde that was bigger than the nine-tails.

His hands were shaking and sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. "Who was that boy..."

At the shinobi academy, students were celebrating as they passed their final test. "Students, please calm down... HEY CALM THE FUCK DOWN YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!... *ehem* I congratulate each and everyone of you for passing the fucking exam, little tip for a chunin, don't be selfish and stupid out there, once yet fuck up even a little bit, you're dead." A chunin by the name of Iruka was congratulating the students.

"Okay now unto assigning of teams... Team 1..."

"Okay class, please wait for your senseis to come. I'll be taking my leave now, good luck!" Iruka walked towards the door as the students were shouting with joy in their hearts.


"Hokage-sama, someone is here to see you with an appointment."

"Ah let him in!"

Steve walked inside the Hokage office, and bowed towards the Sandaime. "Hokage-sama..."

Hiruzen stopped signing his paperwork and smiled at the business man. "Steve right? You wanted to see me?"

Smiling, Steve replied. "Hai Hokage-sama, I would your permission to build a guild house, and an auction house."

The sandaime seemed interested with this idea but asked, "For what purpose would this be? And what guild?"

Steve sighed in his heart.

After one long explanation and negotiation, the hokage and the business man finally came to an agreement. Steve was personally allowed by the Hokage to build a Guild and Auction house for the Snarling Wolves Guild with 15% as the tax rate. Also, the 2% of the guild's earnings will be sent to orphanages, another 2% to the hospitals, and 1% to education.

And of course, any money that comes and goes for the guild will be managed by Steve. He was like walking bank for Naruto.

A few days have past and Naruto gave Steve a heads-up by giving the business man a five sacks of jewelries that he duplicated on his way here on Konoha.

[System Receiving a Call]

[Identifying Caller]


[Edward Antho-]

"Decline! This guys keeps pissing me off!"