Chapter 529 Domineering Demon God Destroyed the enemy with one punch

Shwoooosh! Shwoooosh!

  Zhou Xuanji and Zhao Canglan sped across the starry sky in pursuit of each other.

  "Zhou Xuanji, where do you think you can flee to?"

  Zhao Canglan's icy voice came, not knowing Zhou Xuanji's scheme.

  The difference in their cultivation was great. If he were Zhou Xuanji, he would be fleeing too.

  Zhou Xuanji stopped suddenly, and the Thousand Hand Sword Buddha shattered into countless golden sparks. He materialized the nine Sword Souls and activated Sword Sect Immortal Cry with all his legendary swords.

  He turned to charge at Zhao Canglan.

  Zhao Canglan returned to his original size and hacked with his axe wildly. Streams of axe Qi formed into chains propelled toward Zhou Xuanji.

  Ding! Ding! Ding...

  The legendary swords revolving in high speed clashed together with the chains. Still, they could not stop the chains from continuing their trajectory.