Chapter 530 Malicious Buddha, Eliminated.

In the void.

  Someone wrapped in a bright light appeared, making him unidentifiable. He looked around and mumbled, "The aura of a demon god. Could it be the Demon Ancestor? He dared to come to the void?"

  Shortly after, he transformed into countless beams of light and flew toward all directions, disappearing quickly.

  After he left, many came. They were all drawn by the aura of the demon god.

  On the other side.

  In the demonic world.

  Within the dim palace, the Demon Ancestor was cultivating. He opened his eyes suddenly, and his crimson eyes flashed coldly.

  "Tianwu's aura... Isn't he dead? Seems like someone controlled his body," the Demon Ancestor mumbled to himself with a mocking smile.

  "Tianwu, you were so stubborn. And now, even after you are dead, you could not die in peace. This is your retribution."

  After laughing for a while, he sighed.

  Of the Ten Demon Gods, only he was left.