Return of the Champions

"Phew, it's finally done!" Krune exclaimed with a cheer, stopping before the Kun Realm's spiral entrance. 

All the Gods were in the Kun Realm as the entrance only led there. Krune, Wally, Sterlena, and Gegrafikan were the only ones outside now. 

Turning around, Krune gazed at the Tilk Realm that was situated close by, with there being less than a thousand kilometers between both realms. 

Thanks to them being so close by, the energy they were absorbing drew in more spatial storms, causing the storms to congregate into a massive barrier around the two realms, forming their strongest defensive barrier. 

This was their true plan, even if they failed in grabbing the fourth key. 

After all, by being protected by such a powerful barrier, none of the foreign powers would be able to infiltrate either realm. Thanks to this, they obtained an era of peace and development.