Rebirth of the Rune Realm

"I'm hungry."

"What?" Feifei was baffled, unable to understand what Krune was getting at. "Are you feeling hungry?"

"No," Krune replied. "I'm hungry."

"What the hell does that mean, you stupid wisp?" Feifei said in anger. 

"He's hungry." Wally arrived to Krune's rescue, stating with a tone of confidence. 

Feifei blinked before feeling she needed to hit her head somewhere because she was truly unable to understand just what they were getting at. 

"Uncle!" Kuttul shouted in joy, lunging into his hug before noticing Wally to the side, shouting in shock, "Ancestor uncle!"

"Yes, yes, I'm your ancestor." Wally nodded, as a matter of fact.

"Kuttul, can you translate what this idiot is saying all this time?" Feifei massaged her forehead, hoping to ask the more reasonable Kuttul for an answer. 

"I'm hungry." Krune smiled, repeating it again.