What to do now?

With a loud bang sound, a big almost giant door was slammed shut, with a furious looking lady gasping for air.

She was dressed in a simple yet luxurious yellow mini gown with her straight legs looking so perfect like that of a Disney princess.

Her brown hair reached down to her waist, brows furrowed and mouth shooted into a pout.

The sound of the door startled the two other people in the room.

They were both dressed up and looked like they were ready for a very big event, because the jewelry they were putting on was clearly used with the motive to hit the spotlight.

They were all shiny and sparkling with the aid of the lights in the room.

A middle aged woman and one other young girl with a bit resemblance to the girl that just came in.

The woman was the new wife of chairman Charles after his late wife.

And yeah, the two beautiful young ladies in the room are children from another man, whom she brought with her to live with her rich husband.

They've been accustomed to all the luxury and glad the legitimate son doesn't care about anything.

He was nothing but a pushover who does everything he was told.

And now, the man wanted to bring in another male child, who's a possible threat to the position they would benefit….

"What's wrong?" The woman asked her daughter who still had her lips pouted and seemed to be deep in thought.

She turned to look at her with a glare.

"Calm down, young lady. Don't give me that look." Her mom said and she rolled her eyes before pointing towards the door like a spoilt brat.

"Mom, I just overheard dad talking about getting that brat into this house. He looked so happy about it." She said with her eyes already filled with tears.

They have everything, but there's this insecurities that it could all go away one day.

After all, they are not a real bloodline.

Her sister who doesn't look like she cared also dropped the brush in her hand and looked at her mom for explanation.

They all know who the brat was, because that's the nickname they gave Mel's son after they learn of his existence.

"You two know I can't do anything about this. He was so obsessed and the fact that it took him this long to go get the boy was because I was persuading him that the slut that gave birth to him might do something she shouldn't, but now he's ready to even kill her if possible.

If he's going to that length, then trying to persist will make him assume I do not like the idea." The woman said and her girls still look very unsatisfied with what they heard.

They didn't want competition. 

Not even if the person is just a kid.

"It's alright. We will be the only people close to him after he's brought here and we could train him to our taste. If he does otherwise, then we can take actions." The elder sister Bella, who has shoulder length black hair said and their mother couldn't agree more.

She readily nodded her head as if she had also thought about the same thing.

This finally made the one that came in, whose name is Tara to calm down.

"Well, it seems like we will have a puppet in our hands." She said, yet the happiness on chairman Charles' face disturb her.

She was doted on by the man, since she was the younger one in the family even though she's old enough.

Knowing that the love will be taken away is a damn headache for her.



Amy was tending to Mel's fever, while Collins who had already woken up was standing in the middle of the room, supporting himself with the black glass table at the center and playing with horse art that was glued to the table in the middle.

It always excited him and at times, he just bubbled up and down and laughed at it, instead of playing with his toys.

He made a rat-like squeak and both of them turned to look at him.

He looked back at them and laughed excitedly, exposing his two sets of teeth and returned back to reaching out his hand to touch the horse.

Mel and Amy smiled.

Amy dropped the towel in her hand and used the back of her hand to feel Mel's temperature.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips after feeling the fever tamed.

"You are all good now. Don't think too much about those people. We won't let them take him." Amy assured her.

Mel nodded her head and felt Amy's hand touch her face.

She slowly pulled Mel's head to rest on her laps and began to rub her arm. "Try getting some sleep. You need it." Amy said and being the only person Mel let down her guards around, she slowly closed her eyes and dozed off.

After a few minutes, Mel was sound asleep and didn't realize when Amy placed her head down on the couch and covered her with a quilt before taking her seat where she could look after Collins and brought out her phone.

She started making calls to people she knew and asking if they had any idea where Mel could get employed.

The few that have good results still ended up being against the idea of bringing a small boy to work.

Amy looked at both mother and son.

Her heart aches for them. The last time they were able to prevent chairman Charles from taking the boy, he said he would come if they were not taking good care of the boy.

Being followed today only means they are aware of Mel being jobless and might take advantage of it….


Amy screamed in her head.

She won't rest until she helps her friend find the help she needs in keeping her baby. 

With that mindset, she began googling for employment. There are so many opportunities.

Even works with accomodation, but Mel wouldn't be able to cope. 

Yes. They all are against baby.

What to do now?