Pool of her own blood

It was in the middle of the night when the door to Mel and Amy's house was forced open and here they come.

They were smartly dressed in black suit with their look domineering and all grouped in a coded formation as if escorting the nation's president.

Chairman Charles could have waited at home but he was eager to see his grandson tonight.

They moved aside and he walked in, his scrutinizing gaze not failing to take in the state of the room as a place befitting for beggars.

The sound of the door has already woken up Mel and Amy, while Collins still slept soundly without any care.

The man didn't bother doing anything and just waited. The entire premises has been surrounded like they came to take criminals.

There's no escape for them anyway.

The sound of footsteps approaching could be heard and the doors that were adjacent each other in the house opened almost at the same time.

Mel felt like her soul had left her, while fear gripped Amy's heart.

Chairman Charles smiled at them and both ladies took action.

Mel ran back inside the room, while Amy ran towards Mel's side and stood in front of the door, spreading her arms sideways in a protective stance.

"If you want them, you have to go through me first." She said, panting hard as if she has run a marathon.

"Mel, see if you can escape!" She screamed, while still glaring at the tons of of men that just stood still, looking at her like she's nothing but an ant.

Knowing that the door behind him was the only thing keeping him from seeing Collins already, chairman Charles raised his hand and that's the sign they needed to take action.

"Quickly!" Amy screamed, while her eyes scanned left and right, before she quickly picked up a flower vase sitting on top of a wooden stool beside the door and threw it at them.

It broke into pieces and it made them moved back to evade it, while she quickly shout at Mel to hurry whatever escape plan she had made inside the house.

Chairman Charles frowned hard.

"Move aside, young lady." He said with his deep voice, but that didn't make Amy waver.

She stood her ground and has already picked up the wooden stool, daring them to come closer.

"You filthy old man! What did you want from her. You and your son ruined her life and still wanted to take the only source of joy she had left. You heartless bitch! We're going to report you.

We will scream your name out loud to the world and tell everyone how much of an asshole you are!" Amy ranted furiously, while Mel was now crying her heart out in the room.

She has already prepared to escape.

Collins has been buckled to her body with his carrier and her next step was scaling down the walls and ran, but what met her were same uniformed men looking up at her below her window.

She has always feared this day will come because the man swore to make her pay when he get the chance after she manage to stop them from taking his son before.

He must have come fully prepared today!

She panicked and hearing Amy's scream outside the house, she was scared they will hurt her.

She realized right then that it wasn't just her son that means the world to her, Amy also did.

She couldn't help thinking back to what would have happened to Amy if these hoodlums aren't outside her window and she had escaped.

She will be empty knowing the girl got hurt because of her.

Mel decided to go out and talk it out with the man.

Why bother to run when she's the mother of the baby.

She resolve to making it clear to him, even though she doubted if it will work, but that's the only option at the moment.

Meanwhile, outside the house, things aren't smooth any longer.

Amy assumed that she's buying the for her friend and still cursing at chairman Charles and his men, while waving the stool left and right.

Her arms already felt sore, due to the weight of the stool.

She was perspiring all over, but she persisted. She trust in Mel's desire to keep her son away from this man, so it's certain that she must be a bit far from here now.

She had no idea that the opposite was going to happen.

That Mel will join her outside at any moment from now.

Mel was busy closing the window and placing her baby back in his bed when she heard the sound of a gunshot.

Her heart nearly stopped.

Even Collins was frightened awake from sleep.

He burst into tears immediately the shock wear off with his hand and legs shaking out of fright.

For the first time, Mel wasn't obsessed with her son alone.

For the first time, she let him cry and not act as if he will pass out from slight tears.

She ruffled her son's hair lightly and dashed out of the room.

Apparently, Amy has said enough to anger the man and he couldn't tolerate it.

Mel saw the man returning the gun he used to shoot Amy back to one of his men and looked down at her friend in the pool of her own blood.