More than hugging and kissing...

Few days passed by and everything was going as usual in S City. The normal people were having their daily life struggles to fulfill their dreams while the rich people were mingling themselves to become more richer.

Alonzo Brown who just stepped into the business industry of S City, also wasn't among one of them to stay behind because he kept himself busy in his work. He had a meeting today with the CEO of Smith Enterprise about their joint project. That's why he was making sure all the files and presentations were all okay.

Because.. this time Alonzo was not visiting Smith Enterprise but Reuben himself was coming for the meeting to Brown Corporation.

They had met each other for few more times after their first consultant at Reuben's office. So for the first time ever, Alonzo would be welcoming Reuben in his office. So he wanted each and everything to be perfect.