The Boss is not me but your girlfriend...

"Hey honey, already missing me?" Veronica's voice resonated from the call.

"Oh baby. You know, I always miss you." Reuben said.

"Aww.!! I miss you too. So honey, what are you doing? Having some boring meeting in your office?" Veronica asked.

"First of all, I'm not in my office. I just finished a meeting with my client few minutes back and now heading back to the office. And about 'boring meeting'.. yeah.. it was kind of boring at first but the last few minutes was awesome." Reuben said in a pleasant voice.

"Awesome? That even a meeting? Why? Was there any beautiful and sexy girl present there at the last minutes to make the meeting AWESOME." Veronica sarcastically said, pressing on the word 'awesome' in jealousy though she knew that Reuben would never cheat on her.

Reuben laughed at the last question and teased her, "Is my baby jealous right now?"

"No I'm not. Who cares about you if you found another girl sexy? Humph!" came Veronica's immediate answer.