Reuben's Revelation...

Reuben nodded his head and sipped the coffee that Tom brought for him before asking, "Tom, do you not want to ask why I'm cancelling the meetings all suddenly?"

Being shocked with the certain question, Tom shook his head and said, "No Boss. I know it must be something important for you, that's why you are telling me to cancel the meetings."

Chuckling at Tom's understanding towards him, Reuben said, "Actually, today I'm going to disclose about my and your Lady Boss's relationship. So please inform the H. R. Department to stay ready from beforehand for any upcoming troubles."

Tom was very much happy with Reuben's decision. So smiling hugely, he said, "Sure Boss. I'll inform them. And congratulations."

Reuben grinned at him and smiled genuinely before saying, "Thanks Tom. You have helped me a lot in these past five years in keeping our relationship a secret. I owe you a lot friend..."