Glittery Excitement...

Next morning was as usual busy for everyone. People were rushing to their job in the bustling city. All were having their work without getting any idea of the upcoming news which would flow their hairs off their brains..

Reuben arrived at the Smith Enterprise after dropping Veronica at Creation.. Entering his office cabin, the first thing he did was to call for his assistant, Tom.

"Sir you called me?" Tom asked as soon as he walked in the huge cabin of Reuben's office..

When Tom entered, he saw his Boss was being occupied in his own thoughts looking out of the big glass window and a serious expression was looming up on his face..

So his mind internally gave an automatic signal to his brain that something big was going to happen soon which certainly he had no idea about..

"Tom, make my schedule free after lunch hour. I will not attend any meeting anymore and directly work from my office in the late afternoon.