Using Alex as a bet...

But in spite of being confused, Alonzo was more shocked to see both of them here. His eyes widened in puro disbelief when his gaze fell on those two people whom Reuben declared as one of his biggest proofs..

Among one of them was, Alex's doctor who had treated him from his childhood and the other one was more shocking whom Alonzo couldn't believe to be present here ever..

Because he was the ex right hand man of Alonzo's father, Mr. Brown who had also suddenly disappeared after Alex's death five years ago..

"What are they doing here?" Alonzo asked Reuben.

Reuben looked at Alonzo before saying, "Don't you think there are many loopholes between what you and Ica said?? If you don't think so, at least I thought about that..

That's why, I had searched for every information which happened five years ago which resulted me to find these two persons who will be the bridge of every lies and truths.."