Cat got your tongue?...

Back to present…

"My brother just died like this.. He sacrificed his love for me. I wouldn't even able to talk to him for the last time. I'm the worst brother in the world who neglected his own twin's feelings.." Alonzo said in a broken voice as tears continued to stream down from his eyes and fell on his cheeks.

"Well, I agree over what you had said right now. You were so drowned into your own happy world, that you didn't notice the pain of your brother. You know what Alonzo, I just despise you..." Veronica threw the cold and harsh words at Alonzo.

At that exact moment, Willa suddenly asked, "I understand everything. But where is the fault of our Vero in your brother's death?"

Alonzo chuckled sarcastically and said, "Huh! You are asking me where is your friend's fault? Then listen to me..."