Get burnt into her fire...

"So to save their relationship from Amy's evil clutch, I came back to city S and now I'm clarifying about the most unbelievable truth of my life to you all...

Now it's on all of you if you guys would forgive me or not. But one thing I can assure you both Lucy and Henry. I'll not let Amelia create any problems in your life. You both will live happily like you're doing now..

Even if that means that I've to stay away from you guys." At the end, Andrew's eyes were full of tears as he thought of the pain he had to suffer again if his friends disagreed to forgive him again.

Everyone was silent for a moment as they needed some time to digest all the truth in one day.

They too couldn't able to believe that their friend Amy who they thought of their own sister could do that to them.

Although Neil was aware of the truth from one year ago but still hearing it from Andrew, it pained him more than ever.