Huge enemy base...

"You know what, Andrew! I thought that you think of us as your own brothers. But I think, I was wrong about that. You never had treated us as your brothers. Because if you had, then you wouldn't have done that...

After knowing about the whole truth, I am really hurt because you didn't trust us. But if we see from a brother's perspective, you trusting on your sister was nothing wrong..

But the way you had blamed us was not at all acceptable. You should have talked to us face to face calmly and ask us if we really had a bet over such kind of nasty things. But no!!

You didn't do that. You lived on your own assumption. Okay, still I agree with your justification of being a protective brother. But even after you got the CCTV footage, what did you do? You just ran away without having a proper conversation with us?" Reuben said in a grim voice.

Andrew bowed his head in shame as the words of Reuben were piercing through his heart, giving him immense pain.