Reason to stop our wedding...

"Still as a father, I'll like to request you to take care of my daughter and love her like the way you've always done. And if you hurt her anytime, don't forget that her father is here to break your legs and feed them to the sea sharks.."

Reuben's eyes turned determined as he assured his father-in-law with full confidence, "You don't need to worry about Ica, Dad. She's just not the love of my life but my heartbeat also. Without her, I'll not be able to live...

So it's going to be my duty to love her way more than I've loved in all those past years. And if you feel anytime that I'm doing any wrong with your princess, then you can feel free to feed me to those sharks."

Reuben joked at the last line to make the mood lighter which surely worked and brought a smile on both father and daughter's lips.