Their own unique love story...

"Like you, I will also not make any kind of promises on this very special day of our life as I very well know, exactly what you expect from me as a wife. And that is too, keep loving you till eternity until death do us apart..

Trust me baby when I say that your embrace give me the soothing feeling which can calm me even in my most difficult time. Every girl prays for a husband like her father. And I'm feeling the luckiest over here to say that I indeed got one who loves me unconditionally like my Dad..

I always feel secure in your arms which makes me fall in love with you deeper and more deeper by each passing second. And I'll definitely feel like the happiest woman of the world to be the mother of our children in future..

I love you too baby with all of my heart, soul and body. And like you've already mentioned, MY HEART ALSO BEATS ONLY FOR YOU."