"Friend "

Austin calls Denise the next morning to ask if she is ready to leave. He tells her to hurry up and come out and she is surprise to find him waiting to drive her to work. Denise out to his car, so anxious that she hooks a heel on the curb and falls right into Austin arms.

They both swoon a little when he catches her and Denise who let's go first. They blink and stammer at each other in confusion finally Denise recovers and heads for the driver side . Austin says he's driving and even holds the passenger door and opens for her.

She sees Austin staring at her with a moony expression while she is getting in, and he starts to says she looks pretty today. Then stops himself and says that is she wants to hear such things she should dress more fashionable and not to wear the same blouse several times a week.

Denise "...." what was that ????

He hands Denise a bag with coffee and sandwiches inside , saying that his personal chef made them in case she hadn't had breakfast.

At work , it's seems like Austin makes an effort to think of Denise when he gesture her into the elevator first, confusing her. He even makes a point to stand next to her instead of in front like usual. Denise looks confused while he is silently smiles for his gentlemen behaviour.

Alone in his office Denise comes in to put medicine on his lips and this time she notice the way Austin gazes at her when there faces are so close. she jumps back and tells him tp put on the medicine himself, he grumbles with disappointment .

Miss Young is still upset over the fight between her sons , so when Austin father try to cheer her up by urging to buy her a limited edition handbag fails as she already bought it.

Mr Young approaches Aidan he asks when he is planning to apologise to Austin so their mom can sleep at night . Aidan promise he will soon. Mr Young tells him to stop bothering Austin who is busy and could affect the whole company if he's upset.

Aidan goes to Yuli group building to visit Denise, who is annoyed to see him. she tells him that she not glad to meet him. that she found his insistence on getting her phone number rude. He asks if he should leave and she says yes , so he complains " That's too harsh .... you asked me to see you by email first ".

Denise suddenly realised that this must be Morpheus the famous author that she been trying to recruit for the art centre opening event. They go to lunch where she apologise and tells him she's a big fan and he let's her off the hook.

Aidan notice Denise sniffles and calls over the waiter to take away the flowers that were settings off her allergic. she asks how he knew she was allergic, he says he saw her expression when she saw the flowers as if she had a problem. Denise asks for his answer as to library event , but Aidan just ask if he has to give answer now.

Nathan and Austin had lunch together. Nathan is surprise when Austin stops him from complaining when there is a stone in his lunch , saying that anyone can make a mistake. He asks if Austin is up to something good , or maybe dating finally, but he decline. so Nathan ask whether his " Friend " is dating that girl he likes.

Austin says not yet. so Nathan grumbles that his "Friend" is bad at dating. He smirks when Austin overreats and tells him to advice his "Friend" to confess soon because girls hate a guy who things hard to get . Nathan smirks even bigger when Austin is all "Really? "