Serendipity brought us together, but

After lunch Denise ask Aidan to call her when he makes a decision, giving him an opening to ask her real number this time. she agrees.

Austin thinks over the idea of confessing to Denise , he worries that he is not ordinary enough for her. He thinks hard about how to be ordinary then get an idea. He goes to ask Janet something, but Denise comes back from lunch and interrupts his questions so he just ask how the art centre opening is going.

Janet notice Denise smiles wide grin ask if she had lunch with a suitor , but Denise denies it, keeping Aidan secret.

Austin wanders off and run into Team leader Jung and ask for a recommendation of a restaurant that's popular with ordinary people. Team leader Jung recommend a tripe restaurant but Austin wants somewhere more special. He leaves when team leader Jung can't think of any places.

Austin heads back to Nathan office, but Mei his secretary says he in , but his office is empty. "He is hiding under the desk , isn't he ?" Austin ask Mei for a restaurant and young women would like and when she suggest a place that serves chicken feet, he gives up.

Sara comes to take Janet for a meeting and sighs that Austin looks sexiest when he is working. Denise says that she hadn't noticed because she see him everyday, but after they left she catches herself starting at Austin. He looks like he is working hard , but he is actually searching in Internet for a restaurant suited for a romantic confession.

Vivan the office most popular bachalor arrives to the meeting and Janet notice that same piece of something is stuck to the tail of his suit jacket for the third day in a row. It the rumor that he owns ten of the same suit so that he doesn't waste time choosing what to wear.

After the meeting, a button falls off Vivan suit unnoticed. Janet picks it up but Sara snatches it away , planning to use it as an opening to ask Vivan on a date . Janet says to Sara to do it now since he only has the one suit , explaining her theory, but Sara doesn't take her seriously.

They are still arguing over how many suits Vivan owns , when Denise tells them it's not important as long as the person works hard . Sara says she would know since she hardly owns any clothes but she's still good at her job. she also notice that Denise has worn the same blouse several times in the last week making Denise self conscious.

When Denise brings Austin his team he asks her to have a glass of wine with him that evening because he has something to tell her. She is surprise and grows even made a reservation himself. she accepts then goes shopping for a badly needed new outfit after work.

She gets herself a very pretty yellow dress as she is on her way to meet Austin practical giddy with excitement, she gets a call from Aidan. She turns him down when ask to meet with her right away but he says he wants to give her his answer about the library event in person. so she agrees to see him at the same place she meeting Austin.

Aidan compliment her on how nice she looks , but she just ask for his decision. He says he will do the book concert for the library opening, and gives her autograph copy for his book , a week before its release. she reads the note he written inside " Serendipity brought us together, but maybe we were meant to cross paths."