Creating the Elves race

So this is the sound day after the Celebration, I am in the garden with my wide enjoying the weather, I sent Jarvis to Collect the sins as I have things I need them to do.

30 minutes later, all is here ready and dressed for business, I stand with my wife in my hand standing next to me.

Sora:" good morning everyone", they reply "good morning Sora sama"

Sora: " today is the day when all the work starts and when we take our first step to take Unity to its full potential as now stands in front of me king and queens of now and the future, it's time to start" I give them a second to get ready mentally and emotionally " this is also a test for your potential and capability as a king or queen I am not going to be holding your hands all the way nor will I will be always there to save you, you all must rise and climb on you own" I let it sink in then after they all give me a nod that they are ready.

Sora: " okay let's start with Meliodas and Elizabeth as king and queen of both demon and divine first the name of your races can't be kept as it is, because with the name Demon it will be almost impossible for peace with the other clans and with the name Divine a lot of people won't stop thinking your race are to be worshiped so you two will combine you clans and the new clan will be named the yin and yang clan and this will be your symbol" I say showing them the yin and yang symbol " after that you will descend with the new clan to this realm I will be getting rid of the other realm in this world except for the realm of dead and I will expand this realm to take all the races and you will make you own kingdom here, also take this artifact, activate it when you collect the vampire clan it will turn them all to demons and will end the vampire race "

Meliodas and Elizabeth: "as you with my lord"

I nod then look at Diane and King: " you two have two jobs first, for now, you will go to the new-formed kingdom of Fairy and Giant and stabilize it creat borders also come up with an economy for it I plan for trade between the races and each other so I need you two to start making you kingdom part of that, for example, the giant can do much more than fight you know building mining and fairies with the forest a lot of corps and plants that can't be found in any other place could be harvested and planted and sold, okay " they shocked about what didn't they think of that then get what I mean and nod " second will be when Drole and Gloxinia are freed from the seal and no longer a Commandments will be sent to you by Meliodas they have a test for you two when you two pass it, I will give you the power boast I gave to Meliodas and Elizabeth" they are shocked again that the first kings of their race are alive and are Commandments but like the other two accept thier mission and bow.

I look for Ban and Eliane: " you two have two missions one is to go to your birthplace Zhivago is still alive take this potion with you he is dying, reconnect with him and tell him that if he wishes to live he should drink the potion as for his son I will revive him if he chooses to live, no matter his choice is I will give you a map that shows Beastmen race on it collect them as they will be part of the merchant city you and Eliane will make after collecting them and finding a place that centers all the races kingdoms, start building the city you can get help from any races to help you of course" Ban is shook that Zhivago still lives and want to leave to find him now but stay to listen to the rest of my mission first once I was done they accept the mission even if I see that Ban isn't that optimistic about running a city but I know with Elaine and possibly Zhivago with him he will make a good ruler.

Sora: " now Escanor my mission for you is to go claim your throne as the king Castellio you have enough power and I arranged for King Bartra Liones and King Arther to support your claim for the throne after that join the human union with Liones and Camelot and stable your kingdom and strengthen the human race by building trade roads between the kingdoms and so on "

Escanor: " your wish is my command my lord I will see it done "

I open gates for all to cross to start their quest they say goodbye to each other then leave

Sora: " well that they all left Merlin and Gowther follow me I need to create your race"

I take a gate to the former Kingdom of Belialuin once there Melin asks me:" why are we at this destroyed kingdom"

Sora: "we are here because I plan for this to be where the Elfs Kingdom Established the place is good and rich in mana it will help your people" she nods " now I will only Creat about a 126 of your people 50 males,50 females and 26 children who will 13 males and 13 females as your race needs to grow on its own from there but to help I will give them a human Feltility level till your race reaches 500 then it will go back to normal okay"

Merlin and Gowther: " we understand"

Sora: " good now step aside " I order all my shadows to guard me even if I trust Merlin and Gowther at the moment of creation it's where are most vulnerable.

I creat the bodyes for the Elves then I take a stand and my aura shouts to the sky as I gate opens and I say:" by the name of Origin and my given Will I request God's permission of calling for 126 souls for creating a new race "

I voice can be heard from the portal: " Permission granted"

I start directing the souls into their respected bodies than educating them about who they are and what they are followed by this world and its rules and what races that live in it insuring their loyalty and support for Merlin as the queen.

and all this takes around 5 hours and a lot of hard work and I am sweating ' all this time and effort because of me being only in true Immortal realm and my soul power too I will have to get back the rest of my power before doing something like this again ', once done my aura goes back down and the gate closes then I look at Melin and Gowther who one has an O shaped face and Melin with stars and a scientist creepy smile on her face, they notice my look then look at me.

Sora: " I have done all I can for you all, now it's your turn I am going home I wish you the best" and I open a gate to my home and go sleep on my wife's lap in the garden.