
Name: Kris Silversword

Age: 17

Birthday: August 5

Likes: Gothic things, Music, Animals, Nature space

Dislikes: Piercing, Sports, Affections

As Rudy read through the details of this person call "Kris". He frowned. He seemed like he's fine... What's wron-

His thought were cut off when at the bottom, he saw something that broke his heart.

A͟b͟u͟s͟e͟d͟ s͟i͟n͟c͟e͟ c͟h͟i͟l͟d͟h͟o͟o͟d͟

Connecting pieces of information, it was no wonder why this "Kris" doesn't like emotions. Being abused since a child is something that anyone shouldn't bear with. Having not felt the feeling of love or happiness is another problem. Rudy frowned even more.

Deep down his heart, he knew that it was going to be hard to help this person. If you are assigned to be a Guardian angel for someone, it is until they pass away then you can be assigned to another person. There was no rules when you're assigned to someone. You just need to make sure they are alive and they survive until they die of normal causes.

As a angel, you would already have what they call, a soul mate. Being a Guardian angel may or may not help you find him or her. But it depends on the person itself. If you did, that specific person may come up to heaven and live with you and you will have the right to resign as a Guardian angel to live a happy life.

How was Rudy selected to protect Kris was actually a miracle.

The night when Kris was weak and bruised. He look up at the skies and gazed at the stars. Something he would do to calm himself down. As he tried to connect the stars to make a constellation, he noticed a lonely star in the right side of his view. Frowning to himself he clasped his hand together and prayed for it to not be lonely anymore.

As many nights passed, he noticed that a tiny star was forming beside the lonely one. He smiled genuinely, a little happy that it wasn't lonely anymore. As he focused on the pair, he noticed that they were shimmering and twinkling, like it was trying to tell him something. He tilted his head in confusion before shrugging his shoulders and closed his eyes.

A weird feeling suddenly rushed through his veins and his instincts told him to open his eyes and he did. It widened and he quickly stood up and open the window. He couldn't believe his eyes! It was a meteor shower! He was amazed and his jaws dropped. He always wanted to see a meteor shower. As he was busy admiring the meteors falling, he remembered something.

He clasped his hand together and closed his eyes. He gently prayed

'Please, whoever's out there, help me! I don't want to suffer like this anymore.'

And when he open his eyes, he realized that there was a meteor going slower than the others. He watched it like a hawk, observing it moving through the sky.

Suddenly hearing footsteps, he quickly yet gently shut closed the window and climbed into his mattress and closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep. The door opened and Kris relaxed his body, faking his sleep. He did it many times before and he was almost a professional. Once there was no sound, he quietly tip toe to the window only to find that the meteor shower has ended. He let out a quiet sigh and walking back to his mattress while frowning.

He just wished that his prayer has been heard.