1. Confusion everywhere

As Rudy casted a spell on him to make him invisible, he slowly flew down to Earth and watched the pale-skinned boy. Like the details he read, he had quite a good life outside his home. Now this made Rudy even more confused.

Why does someone like this needs a guardian angel. I could be protecting someone whose getting abused and bullied! He seems fine to me!

What he didn't know was that Kris has cuts all over his wrist and abdomen... Well... He has it all over his body was a better way to sum it all up.

Rudy stared at Kris and frowned even more. He rolled his eyes. He already hated this kid and his master.

This is just a waste of time

This was his first time being a guardian angel and instead if protecting a more vulnerable kid, all he gets is this kid who doesn't even need help! He was already sick and tired of this. Rolling his eyes one more time, he decided to fly back up into heaven. He was excited for his job, but after seeing how normal Kris's life is, he felt betrayed.

As he was flying half way, he realized that Kris has been abused by his father. Face palming himself, he went back to the same spot he spotted Kris only to realize that he was gone. He went on full panic mode

Where is this guy! I didn't even flew up that high and now he's gone!

As he was frantically flying from left to right, up and down, he finally noticed a sliver-haired person turning around the corner. Without sparing a thought, Rudy rushed over to the sight and found out that it was really Kris. He took deep breathes and calm down before hovering over Kris's head. Shaking his hatred for this boy aside, he realized that Kris had no friends and had a normal life?!

I mean, there has to be at least one friend right?

It was funny how far off Rudy is. Truth to be told, Kris was a loner. Everywhere, everyplace and Kris liked it that way. The details are about how the person feels. So to Kris, being lonely is fine to him. Rudy's hatred started to slowly fade away and replaced with sympathy.

Poor boy, no friends to play with

Rudy didn't know it but he was brought to a school. He looked at the size of it and his eyes widened

He studies here?!?

Shocked at how big and luxurious the school is, Rudy absentmindedly roam around the outside and the school, marking every place to take note of before quickly join up with Kris. Hiding his wings, he walked beside Kris, making sure he didn't bump into anyone.

"Faggot" was the only word that echoed throughout the school compound when Kris stepped into it. Rudy glared at all of them before realizing how stupid he is.

I'm still invisible, can't let them know a stranger is here.

Rudy stared at Kris, noticing the Maroon eyes twinkle a little.

He's tearing up....

Kris looked down at the floor and began to walk to his class.

This was never stated in the details paper when I read it.... I guess... Things change..

The verbal abuse continue as Kris walked down the hallway, whispering and murmuring were everywhere as everyone look at Kris with disgust. Some pitied him while some were scared to come out of the closet, just the thought of bullied surrounding them petrified each and every one.

Rudy silently walked beside Kris, looking down.

It's like his life is all bad luck, nothing good comes to him

Rudy smiled sadly and he wanted to punch himself. How could he think that Kris was having a normal life! Spying on him was one of the things Rudy has done to understand Kris better. Once Kris reached his class, he gently opened the door and walked inside.

Like usual, no one was here, it was early in the morning and who would want to sit in a stuffy classroom instead of talking to their friends. Kris made his way to the back of the class and sat down. He leaned his head back on the chair and let out a heavy sigh before resting his head down on the table and closing his eyes.

Rudy watched in amusement.

After all those, you still can sleep! Unbelievable...

Rudy internally shook his head before getting interrupted when student barged into the room, waking Kris up. Everyone chose to avoid any seats near Kris to not attract the 'virus' from him.

As the teacher walked in, Kris's head perked up. Every teacher in this school likes him though they can do nothing about the bullying, it's out of their hand, even the principal. It seems weird but to keep up the school reputation, the principal has decided not to expel or suspend the students.

Kris understands it though, he isn't like the other student where they'll do anything to get what they want, he understands the problem and cooperates with it. It somehow amazes the teacher that Kris is able to tolerate with these immature students that doesn't accept society.

Kris is not a nerd nor a buffed guy. His skinny and a little fit which attracts some people with his vulnerability. Sometimes when the bullies, Dellon and his gang were not with Kris, some boys will go up to him, flirting or asking for his number to hook up. He declined politely but in a monotone voice. He never shows a lot of emotions or tries to hide them from other people.

Rudy found it quite cute how Kris eyes sparkle as the teacher walked in. He was taking in every single piece of information to help him with his job as a guardian angel. As he scanned the whole classroom, he realized that someone was staring at Kris. It was none other than Dellon, the one who makes everyone's life a living hell when you mess with him or when he picks on you. Kris, being the unlucky soul was picked on by him.

Rudy found it even more confusing when he saw that Dellon's eyes were filled with love and lust. A sudden urge of protecting Kris filled his veins and he unconsciously move closely to Kris, glaring at Dellon. He didn't even realize that he was still invisible. Instead, he was more focused on Dellon, making sure nothing happens to Kris.

Realizing what was going on, Rudy wanted to smash his head against the wall.

Why am I so protective of him? Why did the hatred I have for go? And why do I feel a little jealous? Maybe it's just the sense of protectiveness of being a guardian angel, nothing more...

Or is it