2. Understanding more

As the echoing of the bell rang through the whole school, everyone began to stand up from their chairs and rushed out from the classroom. Kris took his time to avoid everyone, he likes to be lonely because of the peace and silence, it helps him clear his mind.

Slowly making his way down the hallway and into his second class, Rudy was like a cat, stalking Kris from behind and watching his every move. Slowly, he begin to understand that Kris was just a typically lonely kid in school and gets bullied but gets abused at home and don't have anyone that loves him. What Rudy still doesn't know is that the boy in front of him has more to hide, and more to discover.

Before Rudy even knew it, the second class pass by and so did the third,  fourth and before he knew it, it was lunch time. Rudy as usual, walked beside Kris to the cafeteria to realize that Kris doesn't eat that much. He's only seen munching a Apple here and there and that's about it.

Kris then went to the rooftop and sat down there and looked up at the sky. Laying down and the floor and closing his eyes, he began to daydream.

He dreamed of how life would be without the bruises, the cruel words and only him and someone special. How it would be like when everything is peaceful. 

Rudy was admiring his features, the delicate lips that's inviting him, the fluffy silver hair that looks soft the touch and rosy cheeks to complement his fair skin. It was all too much for Rudy to handle.

Ah... What's wrong with me! I've only know him for not even half a day and I already l- no no, it can't be, its just... Just natural as a guardian angel... Yeah that's just it, no more, no less just that.. Still, I can't help but to feel jealous when Dellon looked at him thou- what am I thinking... Come on Rudy, don't get lost in your thoughts...

Rudy snapped out of his trance when he noticed Kris slowly open his eyes, staring at him. He quickly move away and clasped his hands together praying.

D-did he notice me? Oh no, what have I done to deserve this, master please forgive my sins like that time when I accidentally mistake sugar for salt and when I made you that desert, your face twisted in disgust and I can't seem to forget about it though, your face was too funny!! Oh and that time when I accidentally tripped and the cream pie I was holding splattered on your face and you looked like you were about to kill me, that was hilarious! A-Ah! I keep rambling in my thoughts!

Focusing back on Kris, he sighed quietly, thankful that Kris indeed did not notice him and that his invisibility spell is still on. Fearing it might wear off, he quickly ran to a corner and quietly chanted the spell again, adding more time to be in a invisible state. Hastily walking out of the corner, he noticed Kris standing up and making his way down the stairs. Like a puppy, Rudy quietly followed him down.

Making their way out of school and taking the same route they did in the morning, Rudy decided to walk with Kris, sort of protecting him. He didn't let his wings out, thinking that it was a bother.

Standing in front of Kris's house, he realized that how was he going to get in, unless Kris somehow leaves the door open and he quickly walk in. If not, he has no choice but to leave and head back to heaven.

Rudy decided to stay here awhile though. Sitting down on a branch near, he thought of exploring the neighbourhood instead of wasting time. Setting his wings free,  he decided to cast the spell one last time before taking flight and fly around. Before that, he would need to take note of Kris's house to make sure he could find it again.

It wasn't easy flying around, it made Rudy dizzy just thinking about it. Almost all the house looks the same and Rudy had a hard time finding Kris's one. It was definitely not a pleasant experience and something he would never do again if he had the chance to.

That sadly is not happening due to the fact that he has someone to protect in this neighbourhood. Rudy sighed sadly as he stood on the roof of the silver haired boy's house. He got to take extra notes on how to remember which house is Kris's. But first, he need to get back up to heaven to settle something else, he needed to train his martial arts to prepare himself for the upcoming "mission."

As he was flying up, he glance back down only to notice a silver haired guy walking directly to Kris's house.

Must be his father....



That's him! The father abuses Kris!

Blood boiled in his veins as he slowly glided down, wanting to punch him. Shaking his head out of that thought he stood by, casually watching him go inside. "Kris! Come down here right now!" Rudy could hear how angry the man was, and it will not be a pleasant sight to see. The timid Kris was standing in front of his father.

From afar, Rudy could only see the opening and closing if the man's mouth before a hand raises and swiped across someone's face. Rudy's eyes widened as his fist clenched. It was a heartbreaking sight to see... Especially when Kris does nothing and obeys his father. To Kris, respect was the way to earn it from the other. But to this man, it didn't seem that way.

As Kris walked out of the house, he jumped when the door slams behind him. A little cute squeak was heard and only Rudy was the one noticing it. He smiled little as he eyed Kris.

A-ah, I shouldn't be distracted by this, I should get going right now, and I'll make sure that that man will never be in heaven or be near Kris once I'm here. I will protect you no matter what!