3. What happens in both houses

Once Rudy reach his home in heaven, he immediately went to his small gymnasium and practice boxing. Swinging his arm left and right while ducking down to pretend there was someone hitting him was tiring. You could even hear the sound of it moving through the calm air and the sound of the punching bag being hit and swung back and forth. Sweat slowly travel down from his cheeks to his chin and dripped down onto the floor. Though he was no fan of this sports, he did it anyway, just to protect Kris from any harm. Taking a break, he turned on the fan and grabbed a towel, wiping the sweat off his face. His pet, Ruu, was watching him in fascination.

The way that sweat slowly roll down Rudy's abs as gulped down water was eye catching. Ruu's eyes were glued to his owner's chest, mesmerized by it. "Ruu! Come here!" Rudy called, noticing that his cute pet angel has been staring at him. Well, technically not at him but at his chest. Ruu slowly flew towards Rudy, not tearing its eyes off the glistening abs that sparkled like a diamond.

"Stop staring Ruu, you're not supposed to be in here anyway, what happened?" Rudy asked gently as he petted the small angel's hair. Ruu looked away, blushing in embarrassment before shaking his head to let Rudy know that nothing was going on, he was just bored that Rudy has not been around most of the time.

"Ruu, d-do you think Kris would like this?" Rudy asked, pointing his chest, blushing a little at the mention of his name. Ruu flew around in excitement and holding his trumpet, he blew it. The sound echoed in the small gymnasium, making it clear that the brunet has his support. Rudy smiled before making his way to his room and looked behind to make that Ruu was following.

The cold air blew in his face as the stepped inside a nest and tidy room. The fan was on and he sat down right in front of it. It has been two hours since he arrived here at his house and he couldn't stop thinking about Kris and his silver hair. How Rudy wanted to touch it, rake his hands through it and smel-

Woah woah, too much Rudy, too much.... That's a little kinky too and if you think about it, that's a little creepy in a sense and that's messed up.

Rudy concentrated on something else instead.

I should probably take a bath, I stink of sweat, Kris wouldn't li- Stop thinking about him! No, stop linking everything to him! It's too much and too creepy Rudy!

Rudy blushed and Kris's smiling face travelled into his mind. He snapped out of it when Ruu blew his trumpet by accident. Silently thanking Ruu, he hurriedly and randomly picked a sleeping outfit and grabbed his towel before rushing to the bathroom, his "thing" was clearly noticeable in the tight shorts he was in. He needed a cold shower, right away.

Meanwhile with Kris

Kris had just bought the items he needed, including beer that he used a fake ID to buy for his father. To say that his father was abusive is far from a word to describe him. He was Satan himself. Everyday when he had the chance with he always does, he will shout at Kris, slap his face, punch him, anything that'll hurt Kris. Yet, the boy has such a forgiving personality that he forgive his father every night, but he wanted someone to cheer him up, protect him and treat him with affection. He yearned for it. He knew that he was more like his mother who passed ten years ago. After his mother's death, that's when it happened. His father would shout St him, blame him that he was the cause of his mother's death because of that incident.

Kris shuddered at the thought of it. It was not a good memory seeing his mother falling to the ground of blood gushes out from her forehead while she protected Kris. His father wasn't even there when it happened. He was out with a random woman whom he met at the bar and he was partying there.

Kris sighed and stood outside the shop he had just went in. Looking at the ingredients for dinner, he frowned. There wasn't even much due to the lack of money he had. Kris sighed softly. It's been four days since he ate a meal and the ingredients he bought are only enough for his father. If he's lucky, his father will be drunk and he'll be able to sneak some food when he passes out. He drooled a little thinking about it. All the pocket money from his father and his earned money is gone. He felt a little sad but knowing that it can be earned back, got him back to his normal self.

He made his way back, smiling and thinking about eating his own food that be cooked. He prayed that luck will be on his side today and he will at least get a bite of rice or chicken he bought. He swiftly made his way back, fearing that his father will scold him and ask him why he took so long.

"There you are you mistake! Hurry up and give me my beer!" He could hear the shouting from the living room. Quickly taking out two bottles of beer, he gave them to his dad, not looking him at the eye before putting the rest on the coffee table. "Now make dinner before I punch you!" Kris jumped when he heard the shout next to his ear.

He hated his father for this fact but he had no choice. It was like he was the doll while his father is the marionette. There was no escape from this for the past ten years. He sighed internally before going to the kitchen and prepare the ingredients. He poured the uncooked rice into a small pot and gently washed it, making sure every grain of rice is washed thoroughly before putting it in the rice cooker. He then, started to prep the ingredients he need. First, he diced the pork into cubes before putting them in a large bowl and marinating them in soy sauce.

He let it marinate while dicing some carrots to uneven cubed and sliced onions to strips. He also diced some green bell pepper before turning on the stove. Putting a cast iron pan directly on the heat, he decided to caramelized the onions before adding the pork to let it cook through. Adding the carrot and bell pepper together, he stirred the ingredients together before adding sweet and sour sauce to it. Just as he turned off the stove, the sound of a 'ding' was heard, signaling that the rice was cooked. Opening the rice cooker, the steam went straight for his face, making him back away for a moment before scooping up some rice into a bowl.

If only I could eat some now... It looks appetizing.

Kris unconsciously licked his lips, his saliva was coming out from the side of his mouth. Quickly wiping it away, he realized that since his dad is watching a show right now, he could sneak some food upstairs for his little demon pet he was given by his mother before she passed. Silently taking out a small plastic bag, he scoop some sweet and sour pork and put it inside and put it in his pocket. He hurriedly topped the rice with the remaining pork before taking out a spoon and served it to his father who was waiting impatiently at the living room.

As he put down the bowl of food on the coffee table, he felt a sharp pain at his abdomen and realize that his father had punched him directly where he did last night where the bruise was still at. Kris gagged the at the pain as he tried to gasped for air. He immediately fell onto the ground. A laughter erupted from the left side of him before he felt another sharp pain but this time, at the back, near his spine. He groaned in pained as he felt more kicks being thrown at him. The laughter continued before it stopped so did the kicking.
