Before The Fall Part Two

[Check out my newest novel: Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System]


There was one thing Nanami did not know about when it came to Yuki waking up Suzu. If Yuki did not do this then Suzu would never wake up. This really made Yuki wonder how Suzu always got up in her own house when her parents were normally never home, to begin with. Like Nanami, Suzu's parents also worked hard every day to make ends meet.

Yuki walked upstairs with a bowl in hand, stopping at the bathroom first to get some warm water and Suzu's toothbrush. Only then did she return to her room where Suzu was sprawled out on the bed sound asleep.

"Suzu time to get up." Yuki blushed slightly as she walked over to the nightstand and set the bowl down. She climbed up on the bed and put a knee on each side of Suzu before leaning down and pressing her lips against Suzu's. She had been doing this for almost two years now and she still found it to be slightly embarrassing. Especially on days like today where Suzu would push her lips hard against hers. This normally lasted about a minute before Suzu would slowly open her eyes and smile.

"Good Morning! Yuki!" And then she would cling to Yuki like always.

"Suzu, when will you wake up without this weird morning ritual?" Yuki asked as she got up and pushed Suzu off her, making her sit on the side of the bed. She then dabbed the cloth in the warm water and wrung it out a few times before gently washing Suzu's face for her.

"But sleeping at your house is so comfortable that I can't wake up without a Yuki good morning kiss..." Suzu replied while pouting her lip.

Yuki really did not know what to do with her friend. Normal friends do not go and kiss each other early in the morning. That was something that only lovers should be doing. Yuki sighed as she remembered her first kiss. It happened a little over two years ago on her fourteenth birthday. She and Suzu were in her room playing a new game she got, Suzu was behind her like normal hugging her like a koala bear. Suzu had been snacking on pocky and for some reason decided to play a chicken game. "Yuki play a game with me!" is what she has said. Yuki who always followed Suzu's whims said yes as usual.

"The game is simple. It's called the chicken game. We each hold an end of this pocky and nibble on it until we meet in the middle. Whoever stops first is the loser okay?" Suzu said and then stuck a chocolate pocky in her mouth.

Yuki played along and put the other side in her mouth. Being the gamer that she was she would never lose on purpose. So when they began nibbling on the pocky the two girls met in the middle and their lips touched. At that time Yuki's eyes went wide, and her face went bright red and so did Suzu's. Yuki had never thought that her first kiss would be given to Suzu of all people. But if she had to describe that first kiss, she would say it was very sweet.

"Suzu, what will you do if you get a boyfriend? Will you have him do the same thing?" Yuki asked. For some unknown reason, she felt a pain in her chest when she said this.

"Yuki! I do not need a boyfriend! Not when I have Yuki!" Suzu said while furrowing her brows.

"Yes, yes, Princess. Come you need to change so we can get to school." Yuki put Suzu's uniform next to her and went to go get ready herself. She didn't seem to notice Suzu's pouting or hear her mumble "Yuki, Baka!"

The two girls still managed to leave the house on time and walked the same path to school as they always have. "Yuki, look!"

Suzu pointed at a house that had three police cars and an ambulance out front. "I wonder what happened..."

"No idea..." Yuki looked at the scene which was rare in their area. Normally nothing bad happens around here except for the occasional person speeding. But other than that nothing ever special happens in this part of Japan.

They went to school as normal and the day passed by like normal. As always the people in class ignored Yuki, mainly because someone who dressed in an old cardigan with a hoodie that had multiple holes in it seemed gloomy in the eyes of her classmates. It also didn't help that Yuki's hair always draped over her face slightly. They never actually said a word to Yuki but for some reason avoided her like the plague. But even this kind of treatment although nothing bad was being said or done, could still weigh down on someone. But Yuki could care less. She was already used to this.

The cardigan she had on was something her father got for her when she was younger, he ordered it not realizing it was way too big for her. Shohei had said she could return it but Yuki refused, saying she could wear it more as she got older. She was very glad she never exchanged it. Because now she could wear it every day. She felt as if she was bringing a piece of her father with her wherever she went. She planned to wear it until it truly could not be worn any more only then would she store it away.

After school, Yuki and Suzu met up. But as they walked down the street they saw more cops this time at multiple houses. "Yuki..." Suzu seemed to be getting frightened since these many cops in their little town was unheard of.

"It is probably nothing. Come on." Yuki did her best to comfort Suzu as they continued their way home. The two girls did not notice that the mailbox that stood in the same place since before Yuki and Suzu were born was now suddenly gone. Even though it was there earlier that morning on their way to school.

Yuki dropped Suzu off at her house since tonight was a night that her parents would be home and she had to be there for them. After which Yuki headed home herself. But what surprised Yuki was that her mother's car was in the driveway.

"Hmm? Mom said she was working late..." Yuki walked to the front door to find it slightly ajar. This worried her because her mother had always been someone who was concerned about the doors being left open. Yuki pushed the door open and the scent of food cooking entered her nose. But the smell was a little off.

She slowly made her way towards the kitchen when the smell became stronger causing Yuki to pick up her pace. When she entered the kitchen she found her mother standing by the stove her arms draped at her sides with a spoon in her hand. "Mom!?" Yuki ran over to the stove and shut it off. The food in the pan was almost completely black.

"Mom are you okay!?" Yuki turned to look at her mother who was extremely pale in the face. her skin almost looked see-through. She was not moving at all and only stood there staring straight ahead. Even with Yuki calling out to her she did not turn her head. It was only when Yuki began shaking her that Nanami finally moved her eyes to look at Yuki. Yuki could see tears welling up in her mother's eyes as her body gave out slumping to the floor.

"Mom!" Yuki caught her mother and fell to the floor with her. Tears began to stream down Yuki's cheeks. She had no idea what was going on. "Mom, what is wrong with you!?"

Yuki began rocking back and forth with her mother in her arms. She was in a panic and had no idea what to do or how to make her mother feel better. She wanted to call for help but she also did not want to leave her mother's side. She was at a loss of what to do. "Mom, you can't leave me. Dad already left us. If I lose you, I do not know what I will do! I can quit school now and take on a part-time job to help with the bills. As long as you get better I will do anything!"

At this point, Yuki was just blabbering whatever she could think of to try to make things better but nothing she said was working. Her mother's eyes were becoming duller and duller. It was at this time that Yuki suddenly realized something else was off. She looked at Nanami's feet which seemed to be turning transparent as little balls of golden light began to float up towards the ceiling.

"What is this!?" Shocked and confused Yuki stared at the balls of light in disbelief. Her mother's feet had started to disappear as the phenomenon was quickly moving up her mother's legs. Yuki was scared out of her mind but she still tightly held on to her mother, not wanting to let go. "Please stop! Don't take my mother for me!"

She had no idea who or what she was talking to. She just hoped her words would help the situation but her mother's body began to disappear at a faster rate. She heard a clang sound as the metal spoon in Nanami's hand fell to the ground. Her arms were now missing all the way to the elbow.

As if using her last bit of strength Nanami's lips began to move. "Yu-ki… Li-ve… We-ll… I… Lo-ve… Yo-u..."

A bright golden light then engulfed her mother causing Yuki to close her eyes but when she opened them her arms were empty with only balls of golden light surrounding her as they floated up towards the ceiling and disappeared. Yuki sat on the floor, her legs to her side as she stared at the empty space in front of her where her mother once was. Not understanding what had just happened and unable to grasp the situation, Yuki shook her head and then grasped it with her hands as she yelled out at the top of her lungs: "Noooooooooooo!!!!!"

A few hours later the front door to Yuki's house opened up and Suzu walked in. "Yuki?" The house was eerily quiet which slightly scared Suzu as she took off her shoes and put on a pair of slippers. She had seen Nanami's car outside which was strange since Sunday was her only day off from her evening job. The air in the house was still and the stagnated smell of burnt food filled Suzu's nose. Her brow wrinkled as she made her way to the kitchen. But what she found was her childhood friend Yuki curled up into a ball crying on the kitchen floor.

"Yuki!? What's wrong!?" Suzu ran over to Yuki and pulled her into her arms.

Yuki, hearing the familiar voice of her friend, raised her head, tears streamed down her cheeks, and hugged Suzu tightly, burying her head into Suzu's chest as she yelled out: "Mom disappeared!"

Thirty minutes later Suzu's parents and the cops were at Yuki's home. Yuki was now sitting in her living room with a blanket around her shoulders. Suzu was sitting next to her holding her hand. A steaming cup of tea was in front of her which only served as something for Yuki to stare at.

"I see... " The officer who showed up first was taking the testimonies of everyone there. After getting a basic explanation from Suzu's parents who explained to him what Suzu was able to get out of Yuki, the officer began to walk away and radioed back to the main office. "We have another case."

"What do you mean by another case?" Utsumi Kenjiro, Suzu's father asked as he stopped the officer from walking away. The officer was surprised because he did not think he was heard and now found it hard to explain.

"Sorry sir, that is confidential." The officer said, trying to release himself from Kenjiro's grip.

"You think that will slide!? One of our friends has disappeared leaving behind her only daughter who now has no family left. I think we deserve a proper explanation! So do not give me this shit about confidentiality!"

"Kenji!" Utsumi Ayame yelled out trying to stop her husband who looked as if he was about to knock the cop out for not answering him.

"Ayame, don't stop me! This whole thing is bullshit! You know better than anyone that Yuki is Nanami's only reason for living! There is no way she would just up and disappear!"