Before The Fall Part Three

[Check out my newest novel: Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System]


In the end Suzu's father ended up being taken in for hitting a police officer. Luckily due to unknown reasons they released him a few hours later. Yuki sat on her couch with Suzu by her side. Ayame, Suzu's mother, made the girls something to eat in the kitchen.

"Girls, I will be heading next door. Make sure to lock the door behind me." Ayame looked at Yuki who had not touched her food yet and felt pain in her heart. She had watched the girl grow up since she was born. Suzu and Yuki were basically sisters who were inseparable. But in a situation like this Ayame was at a loss for words. She had no idea how to comfort a girl who had just watched her mother disappear from what she had gathered from Yuki's explanation. Ayame found it all hard to believe but even the cops seemed to be hiding something. So she could only guess Yuki's words were most likely true.

Whether it was some kind of government coverup or a new kind of virus, Ayame did not know. But she was filled with worries. But she still had things she needed to get done and could not stay at this time. She figured if anything, Suzu would be able to help Yuki more than herself. "Suzu, come here for a moment."

Suzu reluctantly got up from the couch and followed her mother into the other room. "Yes?"

"Suzu, you do not need to worry about going to school until Yuki comes out of her shell. I want you to stay with her. Your father and I will be working on trying to figure out what happened. Things are being hidden from the general public, so I am not sure exactly what is going on. But as Yuki's friend who has been with her since birth you are the closest one to her and the only one who can help bring her out of her shell." Ayame was very concerned for Yuki and really had no idea what she should do, so she could only count on Suzu at this time.

"I will do my best. Maybe I can get more information out of her later as well. When she is willing to talk more. For now, I will do what I can to get her to eat." Suzu had never seen Yuki in such a state before. Normally she was like a big sister who submitted to her little sister's whims. But to Suzu, Yuki was much more than that. It just seems Yuki had yet to realize it and Suzu was afraid of letting her true feelings out. This was why she relished in the fact that Yuki would play along with her even if she felt it was weird.

Suzu saw Ayame out before returning to the living room where Yuki was still sitting in front of a plate of food. Frowning Suzu walked over to Yuki, picked up the fork on the plate, and took a bite of food. She then chewed it a little before turning to Yuki, grabbing her by the chin and pushing her lips onto Yuki's while using her tongue to pry open her mouth. She pushed the chewed food into Yuki's mouth which caused Yuki's eyes that were dim to finally gain some light.

"Suzu!?" Yuki pulled back coughing a little and looked at Suzu in confusion.

"You're finally back! Yuki, don't scare me like that! You have been sitting here in a daze after you told me what had happened. My mom and dad are very worried about you and my dad was arrested for punching the cop for not telling us what was happening. Nothing I did would make you come back to your senses… And you were not eating, so I could only think to do what I just did." Suzu replied, hiding the fact that she wouldn't mind feeding Yuki that way if she had to.

Yuki wiped her mouth and lowered her head. "Sorry."

"You do not need to apologize. I am just worried about you. For now, try to eat a few bites before it goes cold. I will get the bath ready. We will take a bath and go to bed for the night. Mom told me I can stay with you until you are ready to go back to school so you will not be alone during this time." Suzu said as she threw her arms around Yuki hugging her tightly.

"Suzu… Thank you." Yuki felt tears welling up in her eyes but she did her best to push them back. Right now she wanted to be strong not for herself but for her friend who cared so much for her. This was not to say that she was not sad. She still had not come to terms with the loss of her mother but she did not like making Suzu worry about her.

It was as if roles were reversed for the first time. Suzu helped Yuki do everything from getting undressed to washing up and then dressing again. After a hot bath, the girls headed to bed. Suzu pulled Yuki into her embrace and whispered softly: "I will be here for you, so do not be scared to go to sleep."

Yuki found things to be weird with how Suzu was taking care of her for once. But Suzu's scent did calm her as she drifted off to sleep. Her dreams were restless as the scene of her mother disappearing in front of her replayed over and over. Her eyes popped open and she turned her head to see Suzu looking back worriedly at her. "Sorry did I wake you?"

"It's fine… Did you have a nightmare?" Suzu asked. She reached up with her hand and wiped the sweat from Yuki's forehead.

"Suzu do you think I'm crazy?" Yuki turned on her side to face Suzu and asked.

"No why?" Suzu knew what Yuki had said was out of this world. Not many would believe such a crazy story as 'my mother's body disappeared and turned into balls of golden light'. Just the idea alone was basically something that would only happen in movies.

"Because what I said sounded absurd even to me and I watched it all happen in front of me!" Yuki started to become excited as she sat up in bed. Suzu also sat up and threw her arms around her and pushed her lips against Yuki's.

Yuki pushed Suzu away and looked at her in confusion. "Why did you kiss me?"

"Yuki! No matter what you say, I will always believe you. Never once in all the years that we have known each other have you ever lied to me. As for the kiss… I hoped maybe it would calm you down..." Suzu said blushing slightly. She had never been this forward with Yuki before.

Yuki let out a sigh. She had to hand it to Suzu, the kiss did keep her from breaking down again. Although it was a strange way to calm someone down. Yuki leaned over and hugged Suzu as she said: "Suzu, thank you for being with me. You have always been by my side even when people ignore me in school. Not once have you ever thought of leaving me."

Blushing Suzu mustered up her courage as she said: "That is because I love you, Yuki, how could I ever leave you."

Of course, Yuki did not think Suzu meant it in any other way as something along the lines of family. "Mmm... I know, I love you too!"

Suzu frowned slightly before putting on a smile. Not wanting to upset Yuki any more than she was. But in her heart, she couldn't help but curse Yuki's denseness. After calming down, Yuki laid down pulling Suzu with her. The two girls cuddled together and drifted off back to sleep.

That night unbeknownst to the two girls the incident with Yuki's mother was happening all over the world and in great numbers. It had gotten to the point that tens of millions of people had completely disappeared and the emergency lines were so overloaded that no one could get through any more. But this was a fact that they wouldn't know until the next day.

As the sun's morning light shined through the blinds in the window, Yuki woke up and rubbed her eyes. She looked over at Suzu who was still sound asleep. Yuki undid the blankets and peeled Suzu off her as she slid to the bottom of the bed to get up. Yuki knew her life from this day forward was going to be very different. Her mother was no longer around and her father passed away a long time ago. She had no idea what she should do from here on out. She sluggishly made her way to the bathroom and pulled her pajama bottoms down and sat down on the cold toilet seat. The bathroom was like any other Japanese bathroom, basically, a toilet stuffed in a closet. But she found the enclosed space comforting in a way. This comfort allowed her to think more clearly. "Maybe I should just quit school..."

After doing her business she washed her hands before making her way downstairs. The house seemed extra quiet without her mother being there. Yuki slowly walked towards the kitchen and stood in the doorway. The chalk marks were no longer on the floor from where the police outlined the scene yesterday. "Ayame-san must have washed the police marks up..."

As she stood there tears began rolling down her cheeks as she remembered seeing her mother standing at the stove. At that time her mothers complexion was so white as if all the blood had been drained from her body. Now more than ever, Yuki wished to know what had happened. Why did her mother suddenly disappear in such a fantasy-like way? Why did it have to be her mom who she loved so much? Just as she was about to break down she felt a weight on her back.

"Suzu!?" Yuki asked, surprised.

"Don't go off alone..." Suzu's tired voice was heard and seconds later the sounds of her sleep peacefully filled Yuki's ears.

Yuki did not know whether to laugh or cry as she wiped her tears. Yuki brought the sleeping girl over to the couch and placed her down, peeling her arms and legs off. She then turned around and leaned in and kissed Suzu's lips. "Time to wake up Suzu."

As if on command Suzu's eyes slowly opened and she let out a big yawn. "Good morning Yuki… Hmm? How did I get downstairs?"

Yuki wondered this too with how quickly she fell back asleep. Was she sleepwalking? But Yuki's attention was taken by something else as she looked at Suzu's skin. "Suzu are you sick?"

"Hmm? No, I feel fine, why?" Suzu asked as she stretched her arms.

"You just seem paler than normal." Yuki's mind went to her mother's complexion that she saw yesterday and started to get scared but when she thought about it, Suzu seemed to be acting normal and was moving and speaking fine. Yuki decided she would just wait and see if Suzu started acting any stranger than normal. If she did she would call the ambulance right away.

Not long after a knock came at the door and when Yuki answered it, she found Ayame standing on the other side with two tupperware in her hand. "You two haven't eaten breakfast yet, right?"

"No, we haven't… Ummm… Ayame-san, thank you for yesterday..."