Magic and Making A Base Part One

"Oh? Now, isn't this pretty amazing? But why a hammer? Anyway, let's see what it is like. Equip!" Yuki said and then a large hammer taller than herself appeared in her hand. The entire hammer was made out of some kind of metal with blue and orange paint on its handle and at the top. Yuki wondered why it was called a hammer when it looked more like a two handed mace more than anything. "Anyway, the name is in orange, so my guess is this is kinda like a legendary weapon, no? Surprisingly it is very light."

Yuki held the Hammer with both her hands and began swinging it around. She got a little carried away and began twirling around with it and….


The large protruding rock she had been using as cover was blown into large chunks of flying debris that flew out across the field.


Suddenly a sound went off in Yuki's head and a menu popped up in front of her.

[Slime Ball found, Collect?]

"Did I just kill a slime?" She had indeed killed a slime. The blue little cute slime that was minding its own business as it feasted on the blades of grass was smashed to bits by the flying chunks of rock sent out from Yuki's attack. Yuki hit the accept button on the menu and a blue orb icon appeared in her inventory. She then focused on it to see what exactly a slime ball was.

[Slime Ball]

[A ball made of slime. Will bounce when thrown against something.]

"So this is basically just a toy… Well whatever, I will keep it and use it to stave off boredom. More importantly, I think it's time I try to find a water source. But I wonder if I focus on something like I do in my inventory, I can learn what it is. Actually, do I even have any skills?" Yuki scratched her head and focused her mind as she thought of a skill menu. Luckily one did appear in front of her but what she saw slightly confused her.

"Hmmm, let's see… So if I am not wrong this is one of those ability leveling systems. The more proficient I am in a certain magic the more powerful the spells I can cast. But this also means I would need the mana to do that as well. But I wonder, let's say I cast a fireball, if the level of my fire magic let's say 10, then would the power of my fireball would also rise… " The screen Yuki was looking at was filled with many lines of different types of magic.

Fire Magic (Lvl 0)

Water Magic (Lvl 0)

Earth Magic (Lvl 0)

Wind Magic (Lvl 0)

Ice Magic (Lvl 0)

Lightning Magic (Lvl 0)

Light Magic (Lvl 0)

Dark Magic (Lvl 0)

Next to each of these types of magic were small experience bars. Yuki focused on the fire magic section which brought up a new menu. She was surprised to see she could use two spells already, Fireball, and Fire Arrow.


[Damage 10-15]

[Mana Cost 10]

[Chance to set the target on fire. 5-6 damage per second]

[Fire Arrow]

[Damage 20-25]

[Mana Cost 20]

[Chance to set the target on fire. 5-6 damage per second]

"Oh? So how do I cast these things… I guess I can just try this." Yuki stretched out her hand in front of her and focused her mind and shouted "Fireball!"

Upon her command, a blazing ball of fire shot out in front of her hand in a direct line and continued off into the distance before finally fizzling out quite a few meters away. "Oh! Magic! I really cast a magic spell! So you just need to concentrate and call out the spell. Kinda like using the menus. Although this did reduce my mana by ten."

[MP]: 80/90

Yuki was so excited she jumped up and down but slowly her face turned gloomy. "I wish Suzu was here to see this…" Slumping to the ground Yuki looked back at her list of spells: "Well, for now, let's check out this water and minor heal one."

She first focused on the water spell.


[Mana Cost 1 per liter]

[Creates water for daily use.]

"This is a really amazing spell! Now I do not have to worry about dying from thirst." Even with this new ability to use magic Yuki's main priority was still survival. "Now for the healing magic."

[Minor Heal]

[Heals 30-40]

[Mana Cost 20]

"Uhg… Cost 20[MP] … I guess I will still try it out." Yuki looked down at her scraped up knees and focused once more before saying: "Minor Heal!" She watched in marvel as a green light poured out of her hand and on to her knees that light then enveloped her entire body. She watched as her knees began to heal at a pace the eye could see and even the pain in the back of her head had disappeared. Yuki looked at her stats and saw something strange.

[HP]: 160/160

[MP]: 61/90

"Hmm? 61 out of 90? Does [MP] slowly regenerate?" Yuki decided to wait a little while and see what would happen and in a few minutes, she saw her [MP] gain another point.

[MP]: 62/90

"So [MP], naturally regenerates. I wonder why [HP] does not or is it because natural healing is very slow. Either way, this is fine. I have a healing spell to fix that. But really this is a lot to take in. At any rate, I can at least use magic. By now Suzu would be jumping up and down freaking out. Well, I did as well but still… Suzu…" Yuki paused and shook her head trying to clear her gloomy thoughts away: "Now to see if I can appraise things..." Yuki hoped the system would work in the same way it does menu items on real world items as well. She looked at what looked like some kind of herb and focused on it .

[Rock Weed]

[Can be used as a spice in food.]

"Oh, I can! This is very handy. But rock weed huh?" Yuki plucked the rock weed and sniffed it. "Ahh choo! Ahh… Smells like pepper. I guess I can store it in my inventory… Wait how do I put things into my inventory..."

Yuki tried this and then and finally realized she could just open her inventory and put the item in by hand. "So items that monster drop will auto go into your inventory if you allow it but items you find have to be placed in. At least it is simple enough. But is there like an auto loot function?"

Yuki was just thinking that if a menu kept coming up while she was in the middle of a fight she would end up being distracted and could end up getting hurt because of it. She looked around the inventory window until she spotted a small gear icon and concentrated on it which brought up a small menu with only two options. "So it has the ability to auto loot and auto equip. Well, I would rather not auto equip anything until I know what it is, in case it's something embarrassing. So I will just use the auto loot feature. With that set, I guess it is time for me to search for something edible. I am pretty hungry."

Yuki stood up and looked around and saw a few spots with more boulders protruding out of the ground up ahead. "I will use one of those for cover, maybe my earth magic will let me do something. But I will check that before when I get there first let's test out this water thing." Yuki did not have anything to carry water in so she could only stretch her shirt out and say: "Water!"

A ball of water formed in the palm of her hand and then dropped down into her shirt. Yuki then quickly did her best to scoop up as much as she could and began to drink. Her hair and shirt were now completely soaked along with her face and neck but she did not care as a bright smile formed on her face. "So refreshing!"

But after drinking and looking down at herself, Yuki blushed seeing how her bra was now visible and her shorts were wet in all the wrong areas. Luckily there was no one around to see her or they would think she had peed herself. Yuki also noticed that her knife was now no longer at her side. She quickly opened her menu and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it in her inventory. She had been so caught up on everything else she had completely ignored it. But it was safely tucked away in the first slot of her inventory. It was the only thing left that she owned that had anything to do with her family. She turned and looked up at the floating island high in the sky and her eyes focused on a certain object just hanging there near the bottom of the floating island. "One day I will get you back!"

Yuki wanted her bag back because she had pictures of both her parents and Suzu in there, along with some other items that held memories for her. She just hoped they were still in there. She knew there was a chance they might have disappeared as well or had fallen out. Letting out a sigh, Yuki turned around propped her hammer upon her shoulder, and began walking towards the large protruding rock off in the distance. She did not get far when a blue slime jumped out of the tall grass and slammed into her knocking her down.

"Damnit! That hurt!" Yelled out as she rolled across the ground and then used her hammer to prop herself up.

*Splugie!* *Splugie!*

A blue ball of gelatin bounced out of the grass in front of Yuki. "You may be cute but right now you will be smashed to bits." Yuki swung her hammer down, smashing it into the ground, completely missing the slime who had dodged her attack. "What!? Ouch!"

The slime once again smashed into her side and knocked her back. But this time she kept her footing. Yuki looked at her heath and frowned.

[HP]: 130/160

"This thing does 15 damage per hit!" Yuki was not having a good time. It was never this hard in video games. Normally just a wack or two could easily kill a slime and they were slow as can be. She couldn't figure out why this one was so fast! While keeping an eye on it she decided to inspect it and see what kind of stats it had.

[Blue Slime]

[HP]: 30/30

[MP]: 20/20

"Eh!? I can't see more than that!?" Yuki felt defeated already. With no other choice, Yuki this time swung her hammer sideways making her twirl around. As the first attack missed the slime went to attack again. She spun her body aiming a bit higher than before. She was quick enough to catch the slime mid air slamming her hammer right into it causing it to suddenly explode. Something shiny began to fall down before automatically shooting towards Yuki and disappearing as it got close to her. "What was that!?" Yuki looked at her HUD and saw a message on the bottom left of her screen. 'Acquired, Ring Of Herculean Strength.'

"Oh!? A ring?" Yuki smiled as she quickly opened her inventory and looked at the item's details.

[Ring Of Herculean Strength]

[Strength +10]

[A ring that was once worn by a great warrior.]

"The ring's name is in green so I guess this is better than the average item. The plus ten strength is nice!"