Magic and Making A Base Part Two

"So does this mean my hammer is equivalent to a green item as well because it is a growth item? The ring and hammer both give +10 Strength..." Yuki pondered for a moment but couldn't think up any other reason. She equipped the ring and looked at her stats.

Attack Power: 250

Strength: 25

"Oh? 250 attack power, how much does that give for extra damage?" Yuki focused on the Attack power stat.

[Attack Power]

[Every 10 Attack Power adds 1 damage to physical attacks.]

"Okay, so this gives me 25 more damage. Not bad. At least I can kill anything the same level as me in one hit. At least I think so anyway. For some reason, I can't see the level of these slimes..." Yuki sighed and looked at the ring. It did not look like anything fancy, just a silver band that fit snugly on her right index finger.

Yuki then continued her way to the large rock protruding out of the ground. On the way, she had killed quite a few slimes as well. She finally understood their attack pattern. Slimes were evil little creatures that only attacked when you were off balance or not paying attention. Unfortunately, the ones she killed did not drop anything else. But she did gain fifty experience in total for her troubles.

[Exp] 50/100

So she was very happy about being halfway to the next level. After about a half hour walk, give or take, due to slimes, Yuki finally arrived at the rock she was going to attempt to make into a shelter. She was surprised to see that it was much bigger than she had realized, now that she was standing this close to it, it was almost three times the size of the other rock. But this also made her happy.

"Now… Here is the question: can I use my earth magic to dig into this rock…?" Yuki opened her skills menu and looked at all the skills she had for earth magic.


[Mana Cost 1 per use]

[Digs a hole in the earth. Must not be metal.]


[Mana Cost 10 per use]

[Constructs an object up to one meter in height and width.]

[Rock Arrow]

[Damage 10-15]

[Mana Cost 10]

[Rock Crush]

[Damage 30-45]

[Mana Cost 50]

[Chance to Knock Target Unconscious]

"Oh? I have four spells for earth magic. Rock arrow and Rock crush are out. But dig and build are useful right now. But how does dig work exactly? Hmmm..." Yuki knew some magic spells were not like others. Like water created a liter of water in the palm of your hand in the form of a big ball of water. Everything seemed to have a defined amount. At least this is what Yuki could figure out anyway. "This is much more complicated than in video games where everything is automated… I guess I can only test it to see how it works."

Yuki walked away from the rock a little ways and looked at the ground underneath her. She then held out the palm of her hand towards the ground and concentrated on it as she said: "Dig!"

"Huh? Nothing happened? Hmmm..." Yuki pondered for a moment before an idea came to mind. "Maybe I need to touch it." Yuki knelt down and pressed her palm to the ground and once again focused her concentration and said: "Dig!'


"Ahh!" A hole opened up right underneath Yuki sending her 1 meter into the ground. "Ouch… Huh? I lost [HP] for that!?"

[HP]: 159/160

"It is only 1 [HP] but still! Stupid realism!" Yuki stood up and dusted off her clothes. She frowned at how dirty she was. "I will definitely make a stone bath once I figure this dig spell out!"

Yuki practiced a bit more before finally coming to an understanding of how her Dig spell worked. "I never thought it would work like this but I can reduce the amount of mana I use in order to dig smaller holes, but… It will still use 1[MP]. Well, it is a small price to pay to be picky and I think I can also do the same thing for my water spell. Which will make things easier. Sadly it will not let me increase my mana to do things faster. I have to keep casting it. Well, this is fine as well. For now, let's measure this rock's depth and width… If my shoe size is 22cm. Then if I count to five steps heel to toe and round it down it will be 1 meter. Yosh! Time to do the one thing you hate the most, Yuki! Math!"

Yuki went about measuring the length and width of the rock before making a decision. "So roughly 19 meters long and 10 meters wide. I can not tell the exact height but it seems to be about four of me tall. I do not need much head room so if I use one meter extra for the ceiling it should be fine."

Yuki went right to work. She first made a doorway that was only a tad taller than herself before digging deep into the rock. She went 17 meters deep and only 4 meters wide on each side while adding an extra height of 1 meter for the ceiling. The place was just right for Yuki. Once it was built, Yuki waited until her [MP] regenerated and then dug a small shaft out the top of it for ventilation. "Now…." Yuki looked at the entrance and wondered what she should use to block it off. "I guess it would be best to just use build to make a door when I am not inside. Sadly this will cost me 20 [MP], so maybe I should only do that at night. There are plenty of thick bamboo plants around this area, so if I use one of my spells I can cut them down with ease and then tie it together with some tall grass. Yeah, that is the best idea! "

Yuki searched through her spells until she finally found one of use. "Wind slicer huh?"

[Wind Slicer]

[Damage 5-10 damage per blade]

[Mana Cost 20]

[Fires five blades in the given direction]

"The damage is not bad and fires five blades of wind, it should do enough damage otherwise I can probably just smack them with my hammer… Either way, I am making a door!" Yuki walked out of her new stone house and looked around.

The tall bamboo looking plant she saw before was just a few minutes walk away. But first, she equipped her knife in her second slot weapon slot since her gun was basically useless now. She then took it out and began chopping away the tall grass around the rock making a clearing. She made a big pile of grass off to the side of the large rock and also picked out about fifty thick but flexible blades of grass to dry. Once she had a decent-sized area cleared out, Yuki headed over to the bamboo looking plants.

On her way there she was once again met with the most fearsome monstrosity, she had ever encountered. The cute and adorable but still hurts when it bites, Blue Slime! It was taking her some time to make it to the bamboo looking plants as she also had to cut a path through the tall grass. But when she arrived she came across one of the most beautiful sights she has ever seen.

"So pretty!" It was a bright blue pond with little balls of blue lights rising off its surface. To Yuki it was very mystical looking. Yuki saw that the shore was clear of grass and looked to be soft sand, so she took off her shoes and socks and stepped into the water up to her ankles. "So refreshing!"

The water was just the right temperature. It was not too hot and was not too cold. Yuki really wished she could dive right in but she was afraid that if someone came by and saw her she would die from embarrassment. Especially since her clothes went see through when they were wet. As she scanned the pond with her eyes she noticed something swimming about in the water.

"Is that fish!?" Yuki's stomach began to growl and just the thought of food made her begin to drool. "After I make my door I will try to make a fishing rod as well. I wonder if I can use the grass as a finishing line or if it will break easily?"

With the feeling of hunger taking over, Yuki went right to work cutting down the bamboo looking plants. She found them to be pretty sturdy but her wind slicer magic was able to cut them down with ease. She gathered twelve in total ten of which were the base and two for a cross-section to make sure it was a bit more sturdy. Luckily with her strength ring equipped she was able to drag it all back to her new makeshift home. She had to hurry because the day seemed to be half over and she had no idea when night would fall. She was happy though since this time no slimes attacked her. She dropped the bamboo looking plants in front of her door and wiped the sweat from her face.

"Hmmm, I should make a cup out of stone..." Yuki was feeling thirsty but she did not want to use her shirt again as a cup. She figured she could make one easily out of stone as long as she found a proper rock to do so. After looking around for a while she finally found a decent-sized rock a bit bigger than her fist. She then used dig on it until she hollowed out the center of it enough to use for drinking. After a few cups, she finally felt refreshed again but nature finally called.

Yuki looked around and quickly crouched down into the tall grass. But while she was in the middle of relieving herself she heard the worse sound one could hear while in the process of peeing…

*Splugie!* *Splugie!*

"Can you not bother me at a time like this!" Yuki yelled out as she stared at the blue slime who had just jumped out of the grass. It took a bounce towards her which made Yuki quickly change her attitude. "Hey, can we talk about this!? Come on, just wait until I finish please!?"


"Ouch! Hey! At least let me pull my pants up! Ahh damn, it's all down my leg and in my shoe now! Ahh, my panties are soaked!" Yuki pouted as she did her best to pull her pants up and equip her hammer. Tears rolled down from her eyes. She had never thought at the age of sixteen she would pee herself. "Just because you're a little cute doesn't mean you can just do as you please!"

[Exp] 85/100

"Uhg… What do I do now…" Yuki looked down at her now wet shorts and wished she could instantly kill every slime in the area. "I guess I can just wash them. But I will need a big enough rock to make a wash bin or I can just make one with my build and dig spell inside my stone house. I will do that… But first I need to dry off then hunt for food. Maybe I can find some edible plants."

Yuki looked down at herself and let out a sigh before beginning her search for food. The one thing she was happy about was that there was no one around at least as far as she could tell.