Treasure, Treasure, And More Treasure?

The hall after the rock ants was a long narrow passage that had wooden doors on each side, spaced out evenly. "Do all temples have these kinds of weird hallways?" Yuki asked.

"When an area transforms into a dungeon, the whole place will warp and change from its original design. Michi thinks as soon as we entered the room with slimes, we ceased to be in the original temple any longer." Michi explained.

"Then let's take a look." Yuki readied her hammer as she stood in front of the first door. She looked at Michi and when she saw Michi nod she pushed the door open. In front of them was a dark room with no lights whatsoever making it very hard to see. "Lighting!" An orb of light surrounded Yuki lighting up some of the room.

Barely visible at the edge of the light that shone from Yuki's orb of light, a faint outline of a treasure chest could be seen. The metal trim glimmered ever so slightly under the tiny bit of light that fell on to it. Yuki did not rush right in, she was not dumb. She had played many rpgs where if you just randomly entered the room it could spell their demise. "What do you think?"

"Michi is not sure. Michi doesn't smell any monster but Michi is not sure if there are other traps inside or not." Michi replied. She had been ready to pull Yuki back if she went to enter the room right away but was happy to see that Yuki did not rush in even with the prospect of a treasure chest right there.

"Then let's do this." Yuki stretched her left hand out and said: "Rock Arrow!" a stone arrow formed in front of her and then speed forward shooting towards the other side of the room. A loud crash was heard as it hit the opposing wall. Yuki and Michi both waited to see if anything would happen. "Nothing..."

"Nothing…" Michi repeated Yuki's words. She then knelt down and punched the floor, destroying a part of the stone floor with her fist. She picked up the biggest piece and tossed it into the room.

"Nothing..." Yuki said after waiting for a minute. "Should we go in?"

If anyone saw the two as they hesitated to enter the room with a treasure chest right in front of them, they would have probably screamed and have torn their hair out in annoyance. But the two girls had every right to be careful. This was a dungeon after all. Although the two earlier rooms were low level monsters that would not mean anything if the rooms were some kind of death trap. "Michi has an idea. Yuki, wait here, Michi will be right back."

"Mmm..." Yuki nodded and watched as Michi ran back into the room where the rock ants were.

A few seconds later Michi came back with a rock ant in her hands that was freaking out trying to figure out what the hell was happening to it. Michi stopped in front of the door and tossed the rock ant into the room causing it to crash into the floor right in front of the treasure chest.

To the two girls' horror, the rock ant that was struggling to get back on to its feet was suddenly tangled by a large slimy tongue and dragged into the treasure chest. Yuki quickly focused on the treasure chest.

[Lower Mimic] [Lvl] 19

[HP] 1000/1000

[MP] 100/100

Yuki instantly paled when she saw the level and health of the mimic. "Michi, I am glad we did not go in. If you did not do what you just did, I think we would have been treasure chest food."

"Yeah… Michi now knows why Michi could not smell any monsters. Mimic's can hide their scent from anyone. Even beast people whose senses are heightened can not smell mimics. Michi's silver wolf tribe prides themselves on their sense of smell. But many of Michi's tribesmen lose their lives every year due to mimics. They can hide as many things and even appear outside dungeons as trees, flowers, or even other humanoids. Although, humanoid versions of Mimics are rare and have only been talked about in stories heard from others. Let's just say a mimic is a monster that will have no issue taking your life, making their prey disappear without even leaving a shred of evidence behind." Michi never expected to see a mimic in a low level dungeon like this. But with how Yuki was being so cautious she didn't want to take any chances. That is why she ran to get a rock ant to toss in the room. Mimic's will only move when something alive is in their attack range.

Yuki slowly closed the door and let out a sigh of relief. "Michi we will need to be extra careful from now on. Let's check the other rooms."

In truth, the mimic scared the crap out of Yuki just the thought of her or Michi running into the room and being gobbled up like it was nothing, frightened her. "Yuki, you okay?" Michi noticed Yuki's pale complexion and became worried.

"Mmm… Sorry, I was just thinking that that could have been either one of us. It was a scary thought." Yuki explained as she grabbed Michi's hand and interlocked her fingers with Michi's. "Let's check the next room."

Michi nodded and the two walked to the next room, opened the door, and… Another treasure chest. "Michi..."

"Michi will be right back Yuki." Michi ran off again and came back with another rock ant. She tossed it into the room and once again it was sucked up by the treasure chest. The next room and then the next room were all the same. Each room had a mimic in it. At this point, any normal person would give up and expect each room to hold a mimic treasure chest. But Yuki was a gamer through and through and all hardcore gamers searched every room, corner, pot, and underwear drawer they could find! This was just how Yuki was. Finally, after the sixth room, they came to the seventh room which was brightly lit. Michi already had a rock ant in her hands and tossed it inside. "Nothing..."

Both girls looked at each other and grinned. Yuki then stretched her hand out and said: "Rock arrow!" The rock arrow flew across the room and smashed into the wall on the far side. But nothing strange happened. By the time the rock ant was back on its feet, it quickly turned towards Yuki and Michi. "Sheee!" It let out an ear piercing scream that echoed throughout the room.

"Cross Cut!" Michi yelled out as she ran into the room. The rock ant was instantly sliced into multiple pieces.

"Michi!?" Yuki yelled out in surprise since Michi went into the room before they finished checking it.

"It's fine Yuki. Come on in." Michi said with a smile, but Yuki gave her an angry look instead of smiling back.

"Michi what if it was not okay!? What if there was a different kind of trap inside!?" Yuki yelled. She almost had a heart attack when Michi rushed into the room to kill the rock ant.

"Sorry, Yuki..." Michi's ears drooped down as she lowered her head. Her once wagging tail also stilled and saged down as well.

Seeing Michi like this made Yuki feel really bad for yelling. She walked into the room and took Michi's hand. "Sorry for yelling Michi, I was just worried is all. You running in without any warning scared me. If you disappeared, I would be all alone again and that scares me the most. Especially without you at my side."

"Yuki, not mad at Michi any more?" Michi asked.

"Nope! I am not mad, so cheer up okay!" Yuki hugged Michi and kissed her cheek. This seemed to make Michi happy since her tail began to wag. "Shall we open the treasure chest?"

"Michi will do it just in case the chest itself is trapped." Michi knelt down and was about to open the chest but Yuki quickly stopped her.

"We should do it together…" Yuki would not want to keep living if it was trapped and Michi suddenly died. She would rather share the same fate as Michi than be alone stuck in this dingy dark dungeon filled with monsters.

Michi smiled and the two slowly opened the chest. The two girls anxiously got the whole chest opened to find… "Nothing..."

"Mmm… Nothing..." Michi nodded her head agreeing. The whole chest was completely empty with nothing at all.

Yuki slumped to the floor and kicked her feet out while pouting her lip. "So unfair! What was all the tension for if the damn thing was going to be empty!"

Michi crawled over to Yuki and licked her face. Yuki smiled and let out a yawn. "This room should be safe enough to sleep in right?"

"Mmm… Should be. We can always block the door off to be sure, with Yuki's build magic." Michi replied.

"Alright then let's do that. Would be nice to finally have a bath. I know I stink already." Yuki slowly got up pushing Michi off her and walked to the door. She closed it and then used build magic to seal it off completely. She then went to the corner of the room and created a bathtub. "This magic is so useful!" Yuki exclaimed.

After filling it up with water and heating it, Yuki turned and smiled at Michi. "Let's bathe!"

"Mmm!" Michi quickly stripped to nothing, and Yuki was already a step ahead of her.

Yuki got into the hot water and instantly felt relaxed. She closed her eyes just enjoying the feeling of the hot water on her skin. Michi climbed in with one knee on each side of Yuki. She sat down on Yuki's lap and dove right into Yuki's neck. Yuki did not even open her eyes when she felt Michi sucking and kissing her neck. Instead, she reached up and gently ran her fingers through Michi's hair. Michi trailed her kisses up to Yuki's lips and pushed her tongue into Yuki's mouth. The two girls began kissing passionately to the point that Yuki got lost in the kiss and did not notice Michi's busy hands on her chest.

Yuki only came to her senses when she felt the water growing cold. They broke their kiss, and Yuki blushed from ear to ear when she saw how aroused she had gotten from a kiss. She was glad the water had grown cold or she might have been too out of it to contain herself. "Michi let's wash up and get out." Yuki suggested as she heated the bath once more.

"Michi will wash Yuki!" With those words alone Yuki knew she was in for it. On this day, a dungeon filled with many kinds of monsters with many different roars and sounds was filled with a new kind of sound coming from a certain room.

After a long special workout routine, Yuki was fast asleep. After the incidents in the bath, they did not stop there as they had continued outside the bath after setting up a bed made of horned rabbit fur. Michi looked down at Yuki's sleeping face with a big rosy smile on her face. "Hehe… You still have all the same weak points."

---- Author Comments---

Another day another chapter. I hope everyone is enjoying the novel so far. If you have any ideas that might fit the story for the two girls to get involved in, please leave a comment and let me know. I love hearing readers' ideas that I might be able to incorporate into the story either in the next chapters or later on in the story. If you happen to have a free power stone as well toss the novel a vote!

Thanks for reading!
