Learning To Fight Part One

[Author here. My new cover is now done! That is both Yuki and Michi on the cover. Let me know what you think in the comments below!]

The next morning Yuki woke up feeling more refreshed than she has ever felt in her entire life. Although once she remembered the sounds that came out of her mouth and the things that were done to her, caused her whole face to flush red. She never thought someone's tongue could be used to do such things before, and with Michi being a wolf beast-man, her tongue was quite long and did many things that made Yuki feel like she was floating in the clouds. She looked at the cute sleeping face next to her, who also seemed rather content and smiled. She was not only on the receiving end of things; she also made sure to give as well. Yuki leaned over and kissed Michi's lips softly, doing her best not to wake her up. She reached over and tucked a lock of Michi's silver hair behind her ear.

Yuki did not know why she felt so comfortable around Michi. It was as if they had known each other for many, many years, but for Yuki, she could only shake it off as a fleeting feeling. She liked Michi very much, and this somewhat scared her as well. Before meeting Michi, she realized how much she had loved Suzu, not as a friend but as someone she would want to kiss and do intimate things with. But unfortunately for Yuki, she realized this all too late and could only kiss Suzu passionately in that last dream she had of Suzu before Suzu disappeared.

And this is why her relationship with Michi scared her. She had only met Michi a short time ago, but she has become very reliant on her and even wished to do intimate things with her as well. She did not know if this was due to her wanting to keep Michi around so she would not be alone or if it was because she truly had feelings for Michi. But every time Michi licked her or kissed her, even Michi's touch alone would send shivers through her body, and she would instantly submit, allowing Michi to have her way, which led to last night's first time. She never expected her first sexual experience where she did more than just kiss or suck on a neck would be deep in a dungeon. But she also did not mind. She would rather enjoy this time while she could because every day, as they made their way deeper, they could die at any moment.

This thought had been with her since she learned they were trapped inside the dungeon. And this thought alone may have lowered her resistance to Michi's advances, which ended with them doing it. Yuki let out a sigh… "What's done is done. Although not the most romantic place, at least I was able to do it with such a cute girl. I guess I will get a bath ready and wash this stickiness off..." Yuki stood up and stretched as she whispered: "Lighting!"

Dim light cascaded over Yuki's modest mounds lighting up her pale skin. She actually wondered how she had not tanned at all with how much she had been out in the sun. Not that she was complaining, but she still found it weird. She walked over to the bath that still had the night before's water in it and drained it out before filling it and heating it once more. Since Michi was still sleeping, she decided to slip in and soak for a while before getting changed and cooking some breakfast. Michi had said something about rock ant tasting good, so she figured she would try it out.

Yuki slipped into the bathtub, the water rising ever so slightly. Yuki leaned back and closed her eyes as she soaked. She sat in the tub for a while when she suddenly felt a set of hands on her shoulders. "Morning, Yuki." Michi said as she massaged Yuki's shoulders for her.

"Morning, Michi. That feels very good... " Yuki blushed once again as she remembered last night's events. "Michi… Last night… Ummm… It was nice..."

"Mmmm! Michi loved it too. We should do it more often, or is Yuki not willing...?" Michi's voice slowly got lower towards the end of her sentence.

"No, I do not mind. As long as we are safe and do not need to worry about monsters attacking us, I do not mind." Yuki's whole face flushed red as she said this, but it was truly how she felt. In truth, she loved every minute of what they did. It was a whole new experience for her, and it felt very good.

Michi hugged Yuki from behind and kissed her cheek, her tail wagging back and forth happily. 'I knew you would want to.' She did not say this out loud and only said it in her heart. But she was really happy that she could be together with Yuki.

After Yuki bathed, Michi jumped in to wash up as well. She even mumbled something about drinking Yuki's bathwater. But Yuki decided to delete that part out of her brain. Yuki cooked some food, and it was done by the time Michi was out of the bath and dressed.

"Mmm! Michi, what is this? I don't even know how to describe it." Yuki had just taken her first bite of rock ant meat, and it was so good she couldn't control herself as she continued shoveling it into her mouth. She could not describe the taste. It was like a mix of bacon, mushrooms, and onions bursting out with flavor all at the same time in her mouth. The meat was so tender it melted on contact with her tongue.

"Michi loves rock ant meat, but it is hard to get outside due to rock ants being very territorial. Their colony can be in the tens of thousands and will attack in swarms chasing you down until they kill you." Michi explained as she slurped up the meat on her rock plate.

"Let's farm these for a few days for their meat and experience. Right now, I am level 12, so maybe I can get to at least level 15+ before venturing further in. There is no telling when we will find another decent food source." Yuki was all for farming rock ants to secure as much of this delicious meat as she could.

Compared to the fish she had been eating for days, this tender, melt in your mouth meat was something she could never get sick of. Yuki stood up, stretched her arms and legs, and began shadowboxing. She was really pumped up.

The girls cleaned up and headed back into the hall and into the room with rock ants. They started as usual with Michi tanking, but after a few kills, Yuki realized that although in rpgs there was normally a tank class, in real life, there was a chance where she would be fighting alone and split up from Michi.

She looked at the elite level 5 ants and made a firm decision. "Michi, stop taunting. If you keep holding my hand, I will never be able to grow stronger and learn to fight properly. I will need to learn by experiencing combat."

"Yuki, are you sure?" Michi asked. She knew with Yuki's current skills that she would get hurt no matter what, but Yuki was right. You can not gain experience and learn to fight properly if your hand is being held.

"Very sure!" Yuki stated firmly.

"Then Michi will watch from the side." Michi smiled and stepped back, saying: "Disengage!"

As soon as Michi backed off, the ants completely ignored her and began charging at Yuki. Yuki, who had resolved to do this, was actually becoming nervous. She bit her lips and mustered up her resolve, and held her hammer at the ready. The first ant rushed at her, causing Yuki to be startled at first, but she quickly composed herself, and she waited for it to get close. She watched it very carefully, and right as it was about to jump on her to attack, she jumped back, slamming her hammer down, smashing the rock ant in the head.


The rock ant did not die from her hit and only lost a little of its health.

Rock Ant [Lvl]: 5*

[HP]: 270/300


"Really? Only 30 [HP]?" Yuki complained, but she quickly realized the rock ant's scream had caused the rest of the rock ants to charge right at her. Yuki was at a loss of what to do. She could only ready her hammer and get ready to use her ground slam. But with how fast they were chagrin at her, she did not know if she would get stuck in the middle of them after she came down.

"Yuki, cast a fireball at them to scatter them!" Michi chimed in right when she needed help the most.

Yuki quickly did as Michi said and stretched her hand out and yelled: "Fireball!" Her fireball shot forward. The rock ant in the lead dodged the attack, but it did hit the rock ant that was right behind it, setting it on fire. It let out a scream as it rolled around on the floor. Luckily the fireball did the trick, and she was able to stop the charge long enough to come up with a plan.

She knew her aim with her magic was horrible, but if she could at least use it to scatter the rock ants, she made be able to use some hit and run tactics. Her basic attack did thirty damage, but Yuki figured if she can get a few ground slams, she may be able to take a few out quickly.

"If need be, I can use freeze from the ice magic line, but it cost 70 [MP]. But it is an area of effect and can freeze up to five enemies."


[Area of Effect: Max enemies 5 in 3 meter radius of the first target]

[Freezes enemy base on magic resistance. This is compared to a caster's magic power.]

[Duration 30s]

[Mana Cost 70]

" I will use it in an emergency then… For now… Fireball!" Yuki once again cast a fireball to split up a cluster of three rock ants. She singled out the one she had hit before since her first attack had caused a crack in its hard armor-like shell. She jumped into the air: "Ground Slam!"

Rock Ant [Lvl]: 5*

[HP]: 210/300


"Gah! No wonder it took so long for me to kill them before! Michi made it look so easy too when she killed one!" Yuki repelled herself back with the energy that came from slamming her hammer down while still using that momentum; she twirled around, picking up more speed, getting herself back into the right direction, and slammed her hammer down once again!

Rock Ant [Lvl]: 5*

[HP]: 170/300


"Oh, it did more damage this time!" Yuki was happy to see that her regular attack did more damage. She wanted to go in for another attack but felt a sharp pain in her back, and her whole body was tossed forward! "Ahhh!"

A spurt of blood arched through the air as Yuki flew forward uncontrollably, slamming into a wall!
