Eljia stood on the balcony admiring the sunset from her room for this would be her last because after she gets married she wouldn't be able to step foot in this house. Why? Customs, traditions rules whatever you call it. For her people, a married woman stepping foot in her parents' house is a direct insult to her husband. She took one last deep breath, the breath of her motherland.

For her husband to be was no ordinary man, Rozan Semrad Thresal, the Elven Emperor indeed was no ordinary man. For she was a princess who was of age to marriage. She was always told she would marry him since her birth so she wasn't so nervous.

Then again the thought that he is the greatest tyrant to ever live sent her confidence crumbling. This man with the power to kill someone on a whim, was her betrothed.

The was nothing she could do. Every kingdom is to offer a princess to the imperial family in order to strength the imperials family's hold on the kingdoms however kingdom Etrinia hasn't been able to bring forth a princess in centuries.

Yes, Eljia Jeksi is the first princess Kingdom Etrinia has had in centuries.It was a fated marriage Therefore, she was brought up with unconditional love from her parents, brothers and people. The wind blew threw her raven black her and her dress fluttered in a rhythmical motion, make no mistake this princess was the beauty of a century.

Her fair flawless skin radiated as the sun's rays greeted it. Her rosy lips slightly parted as she bask in the afternoon sun that shone on her kingdom. Her long eyelashes over shadowed her crystal blue eyes which were a photocopy of her late mother's.

Her beautiful lips formed a pleasant arc when she heard chirping. She looked up to find a mountain bluebird, it flew and landed on her outstretched index finger.

"Good day to you sir blue." Eljia said with a big smile to the little bundle of feathers. *Chirp chirp* The bird answered understanding what she said. "I'm doing great." Eljia said also understanding the little creature.

"What a peculiar sight?" onlookers would say, a girl having a conversation with an animal. This was peculiar indeed for Eljia was the only one who had this gift first it was her mother then now she.

*Creek* The door opened and Eljia's 2nd elder brother walked in and sir blue flew off. "Rivonos."

"Saying goodbye to your friends?" She nodded in response.

"Lets get a move on then."


She followed behind her brother with the servants uniformly behind her trail. Outside the palace she met her father and eldest brother.

Her father the Elven king of Etrinia adorned his ceremonial green robe as he goodbyed the bride. With tears in her eyes she parted with her father. His figure got smaller as the carriage moved further until it disappeared.

Eljia stifled a sniffle as she tried not to burst into a pool of tears and creating wrinkles which will of cause earn her a serious lecture from Rivet, her personal attendant on how a princess should cry. And trust me it was no ten-minute-lecture but an entire documentary.

On their way through the forest Eljia saw her furry friends in forest. With a smile on her face she waved at them but for some reason they didn't wave back.

They reached the gates of the imperial palace, they were greeted by the queen dowager herself. Which was strange since customs demanded the bridegroom be the one to welcome his bride to their new home. Eljia shook it of besides she wasn't ready to meet him face to face. The tyrannous elf emperor.