They reached the gates of the imperial palace, they were greeted by the queen dowager herself. Which was strange since customs demanded the bridegroom be the one to welcome his bride to their new home. Eljia shook it of besides she wasn't ready to meet him face to face. The tyrannous elven emperor.

With tears she parted with her brothers and faced her new home. The place that could make and unmake her. What the future held for her in these walls she didn't know but she hoped it be peaceful.

It is now nighttime, the wedding night, she was given a petal bath, massaged, aroma therapy…in short her attendant spared no effort to prepare her. She was seated on the bed now she could only wait for the bridegroom.

One hour, two hours, three hours Eljia's back was getting sore as she sat on the bed. Suddenly her attendant, Revit, practically bursts' through the door. Eljia lifted her head in surprise.

"Is a tornado headed our way?" Eljia asks sarcastically. Revit was the definition of a proper attendant she carried herself with grace, if one didn't know her they'd call her a noble. So the fact that she burst into the room like she did meant something serious had happened.

"The emperor, he is spending the night in the quarters of concubine Freya." With this news Eljia breathe a sigh of relief with the news.

"What are you so relieved for."

"Firstly who would want to copulate with a guy she's never met secondly…I'll think of that later."

"He didn't welcome you, he ignored you on you wedding night, on top of that he spends the night with concubine. That a huge insult onto your worth your highness ." Revit normally call Eljia by her name but considering the fact that Eljia is now the Empress and people will gossip she used her title.

"…That's all the more reason why he coming would have been bad."


"He insults me, ignores me then copulates with me that's a triple threat insult."

"Good point. So what are you going to do about it."


"I'll get the… what? You're just going to do…nothing."

"Exactly. Look he can screw sixty times a day for all I care as long as those sixty times aren't with me…Hey screw away." Eljia said while discarding the alluring garment Rivet went through hell to acquire. "Jeez can't believe I got decked up for that ass." Eljia murmured in annoyance as she changed into a comfortable sleep wear. She got into bed leaving Revit who still had her jaw on the ground.

It is now morning she was supposed to go and greet the empress dowager with her husband however with the events that unfolded she deduced that he wouldn't come. So she went on her own. "Long live mother of the empire." "What nonsense your now the mother of the empire do not forget that." "Yes I'll make sure to keep that in mind." Eljia responded.

After a pleasant conversation Eljia left the empress dowager's palace. Upon reaching she was greeted by a furios Rivet.

"What got you wounded up." Angry Rivet pulled the cover of a tray to expose a plate of food it was quite small in proportion.

With a raised eye brow "Is that supposed to be my breakfast." Rivet nodded while fuming.

"Even the servants are bullying me. Oh poor me. Tsk. Help me change."

Eljia changed into a cowgirl rider out fit with her favorite golden knee high boots. She didn't wear a hat because it got in the way of her hair and the wind. "Judging from the amount they gave me I'm guessing their going to have you starve. You can have mine, I'm heading out."

"You're not going to the forest to meet those fur balls are." "Hey that's mean."

"You're the empress for…" Eljia rose an eyebrow with a small smirk.

"…You know what?... run wild." Rivet corrected her previous statement remembering what the emperor did.

"Thank you love. Mwah" Eljia said in excitement as she headed for the stables. She got on Pearl her mare. She got her when she was born. Pearl is pretty much the only horse Eljia has ever ridden.

"Where to princess?" Pearl asked. "A place where we can…run wild."

"I can handle that." Pearl said in a mischievous voice. Eljia mounted her and she dashed out of the stables. On the way out Eljia took one last look back at the castle. She could swear she spotted a man's figure in her room with her elf vision. Into the forest Pearl took the princess.

In the middle of the forest Eljia felt something following her. She asked pearl to halt while she got down to investigate.